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Admin - admin 于2022年05月01日发表  

1. Wang Weizhong, Secretary of the CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee and Chen Rugui, Mayor of Shenzhen have sent a letter to volunteers in the frontline of epidemic prevention and control. Wang Weizhong and Chen Rugui pointed out that in this tough fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, frontline volunteers have responded actively to the call of the CPC Municipal Committee and the Municipal Government by standing out, marching forward with courage, dedication and hard work, and made important contributions to the epidemic prevention and control in our city. Sincere greetings and heartfelt thanks have been extended to the frontline volunteers. (Source: Shenzhen Release)


2. Shenzhen has issued guidelines for the prevention and protection of susceptible persons in property management areas. The Shenzhen Headquarters for Prevention and Control of COVID-19 has issued a notice on Guide for Susceptible Persons (in Four Posts) Protection in Property Management Areas in Shenzhen with the aim to guide self-protection and avoid cross infection for people in posts susceptible to the epidemic in property management areas. Susceptible personnel mainly include people in posts of access control, garbage disposal, disinfection and sterilization, and those in contact with the people under quarantine. (Source: Shenzhen Headquarters for Prevention and Control of COVID-19)


3. Thanks to targeted "package" services and innovative measures, Shenzhen"s financial sector is assisting the recovery of the real economy. Shenzhen Financial Service Platform for Entrepreneurship and Innovation has officially launched a “fight the epidemic” feature, using fintech to help address the problem of information asymmetry between banks and enterprises, to ensure the resumption of work and production. The Shenzhen Bureau of China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and the Shenzhen Municipal Local Financial Regulatory Bureau have actively implemented the 16 measures of Shenzhen to support enterprises during the epidemic. Banking institutions have been encouraged to cut loan interest rates properly, reduce or exempt service charges and help enterprises effectively reduce their financing costs. (Source: Shenzhen Municipal Local Financial Regulatory Bureau)


4. The Fund for Stable Development of Private Enterprises will help enterprises overcome difficulties, and small and medium-sized enterprises can apply for funding support of up to 30 million yuan. In order to help high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises in Shenzhen overcome difficulties, the Municipal Leadership Group for Work on Stable Development of Private Enterprises has provided short-term liquidity support for high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises with cash flow difficulties caused by the epidemic. The Municipal Service Bureau for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises said that from now on, enterprises can actively try to apply for financial support from the fund with the deadline of the application being December 31, 2020. (Source: Shenzhen Municipal Service Bureau for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)


5. Shenzhen Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has accomplished the "last mile" of policy implementation by delivering policies benefiting enterprises and employment services to enterprises. In a bid to help enterprises over difficulties, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has adhered to targeted policy implementation of "tailored policy for a specific enterprise", accomplishing the last mile of police implementation on enterprises. To address the labor shortage, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has promptly set up seven task forces, which are responsible for the coordination and organization of work regarding 6 major labor exporting provinces and 10 districts in Shenzhen to ensure every piece of work is done and every responsibility is accounted for. (Source: Shenzhen Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)


6. Shenzhen Customs has helped enterprises’ work and production resumption by tariff cuts of 190 million yuan and providing certificate application that can be processed without visiting to customs authorities. Shenzhen Customs has recently rolled out measures of applying for a certificate of origin (C/O) without a visit to customs authorities, helping enterprises resume work and production, and stabilizing foreign trade and growth. According to statistics, as of February, Shenzhen Customs had issued a total of 21,000 certificates of origin (C/O), involving goods valued at about 4.22 billion yuan, which helped reduce tariffs for enterprises by about 190 million yuan. (Source: Shenzhen Customs)



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