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Admin - admin 于2022年04月20日发表  

From: Shenzhen Daily

Updated: 2020-05-26 16:05

Artworks by contemporary artists Ron English, Takashi Murakami, Futura and Mo Di are on display at Bense Art Space, where you can also enjoy live jazz shows at night and buy merch of the artworks.

One of the most prolific and recognizable artists alive today, English coined the term “POPaganda” to describe his trademark fusion of high and low imagery, mixing of superheroes and comic strips with art history iconography in his prolific and ubiquitous paintings, billboards and sculptures.

Print “Growing Grins” by Ron English. Photos courtesy of Bense Art Space

English has imagined a vast, and still growing roster of characters, including MC Supersized, his obese fast-food mascot that was featured in the documentary “Supersize Me” (2004), and Abraham Obama, a mash-up of the 16th and 44th U.S. presidents. He is best known for combining expert draftsmanship with a cynical, humorous critique of American culture.

Murakami is widely recognized for his ability to adapt the aesthetics of Japanese traditional art to operate within the context of popular culture. Trained in traditional Japanese art, Murakami saw similarities between the flat composition of Japanese painting and the simplified aesthetics of Japanese animation and comics.

An artwork by Murakami. File photo

His style, which emphasized two-dimensional forms and bold, striking imagery, gave birth to an artistic movement known as Superflat, which not only acknowledgs but also glorifies the interaction between the commercial and art worlds. His output includes paintings, sculptures, drawings, animations and collaborations with brands such as Louis Vuitton.

Leonard Hilton McGurr, known as Futura, is an American graffiti artist who started to paint on New York City’s subways in the early 1970s. At that time, while most of Futura’s contemporaries were practicing traditional lettering, he pioneered abstract street art. Futura’s technique involves combining text, imagery, thin aerosol lines, swathes of vibrant color and a distinctive use of white space to create dynamic works.

One of the most distinctive features of Futura’s work is his abstract approach to graffiti art. Conversely, his aerosol strokes are regarded as different from those of his peers, as they are as thin as the fine lines usually associated with the use of an airbrush.

Today, Futura’s works can be found in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art of Bologna, the Municipal Museum of Vire and the Museum of the City of New York. More recently much of Futura’s artwork has evolved into the production of collectible toys, sneakers and a diverse range of creative media, working with Recon, Nike, The North Face, Medicom Toy, Undercover, Supreme, Levi’s and A Bathing Ape.

Young Chinese artist Mo is exhibiting her installation “Anything Can Be Sold Under the Name of Art” inspired from Duchamp’s famous porcelain urinal “Fountain” to express black humor.

An installation by Mo Di. Photos courtesy of Bense Art Space

Dates: Until July 20

Hours: 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m.

Venue: Bense Art Space, Shuiwei, Futian District (福田区水围本色空间)

Metro: Line 7 to Huanggang Village Station (皇岗村站), Exit B2 and then walk southward for 10 minutes


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