客服热线:0755-8882 8155


Admin - admin 于2022年04月27日发表  

  Guide for Prevention and Control at Home

  I. Residence requirements

  (1) Residence requirements.

  1. People under quarantine shall live in well-ventilated single rooms. Their family members shall live in different rooms. If conditions do not allow, they shall stay at least 1 meter away from the quarantined person and sleep in separate beds.

  2. People under quarantine shall limit their activity space. If possible, they shall use separate kitchens and bathrooms from their family members. If conditions do not allow, the shared space (such as kitchens and bathrooms) should be well ventilated (keep the windows open).

  3. People under quarantine shall not leave their house without permission and shall turn down all visiting requests.

  (2) Material requirements.

  Essential items for home quarantine include: thermometers, face masks, trash cans with lids, sealable garbage bags, multi-layer impermeable paper towels to clean sputum, chlorine-based or ethanol-based disinfectants or wet paper towels, cups, water bottles, bedding and other daily necessities.

  (3) Caretaker requirements.

  It is best that the quarantined person is attended to by one designated family member, and the caretaker shall be in good health and has no chronic diseases.

  II. Protection requirements

  (1) Protection for people under quarantine.

  1. Wear disposable surgical masks daily. Replace the mask every 4 hours or when the mask is wet.

  2. Pay attention to cough etiquette and hand hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow when coughing, spitting, or sneezing. Wash your hands with running water and hand sanitizer immediately after touching respiratory secretions.

  3. Set a special trash can with plastic bag and a lid. Used paper towels, face masks, gloves, and other wastes shall be placed in the special trash can in the room of the quarantined. The trash can must be emptied daily. Before emptying the trash can, spray or pour on the wastes with a chlorine–based disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration 500mg/L~1000mg/L) until they are soaked, then tighten the plastic bag, mark it as contaminant, and separate it from other domestic waste.

  4. Designate and separate daily necessities of the quarantined person from that of the family members’, and wash and disinfect separately.

  5. Notify immediately your healthcare contact should the following symptoms occur: (a) acute respiratory infections symptoms such as fever (armpit body temperature≥37.3℃), cough, etc. (b) breathing difficulties (including chest tightness, labored breathing, and shortness of breath after movement), (c) consciousness-related problems (including drowsiness, speaking nonsense, inability to distinguish between day and night, etc.), (d) diarrhea, (e) other family members show suspicious symptoms of COVID-19 infection, and (f) other suspicious symptoms.

  6. Other relevant requirements.

  (2) Caretaker protection.

  1. Do not share daily necessities, tableware, etc. with people under quarantine to avoid indirect infection.

  2. When in the same room with people under quarantine, wear a surgical mask that well fits the face. If the mask gets wet or dirty, replace it immediately and wash hands with running water and hand sanitizer.

  3. Maintain hand hygiene at all times and avoid direct contact with body secretions, especially sputum and feces of the quarantined person. When disposing of his or her urine, feces and other wastes, wear disposable gloves and wash hands after taking off the gloves.

  4. Take body temperature every day and follow closely your health status. If symptoms such as fever (body temperature≥37.3℃), cough, shortness of breath and other symptoms of acute respiratory infection occur, please inform your healthcare contact immediately.

  5. Other relevant requirements.

  III.Disinfection requirements

  (1) Preventive disinfection requirements.

  1.Wipe the surface of objects being frequently touched such as tables, door handles, phones, switches, kettles, basins and toilets with 75% ethanol or chlorine-based disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration: 250mg/L~500mg/L) at least once a day and then rinse with clean water.

  2. Mop the floor with chlorine-based disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration: 250mg/L~500mg/L) every day.

  3. Soak daily fabrics (such as towels, clothing, quilt covers etc.) in chlorine-based disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration: 250mg/L~500mg/L) for 1 hour, or disinfect them with boiling water for 15 minutes.

  4. Disinfect heat-resistant items, such as utensils and tea sets with boiling water for 15 minutes or soak them in chlorine-based disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration: 250mg/L~500mg/L) for 30 minutes, and then rinse with clean water.

  (2)  Immediate disinfection requirements.

  1. When people under quarantine show symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, the contaminants discharged should be disinfected immediately. 2. Vomits, excreta and secretions could be collected in special containers. Mix them with 84 Disinfectant (with effective chlorine content at 5%) at the proportion of 1:5 and wait for 2 hours before pouring the mixture down the sewer.

  3. When the floor is contaminated by vomits, excreta, secretions or other contaminants, cover the contaminants with dry towel, and then pour the 84 Disinfectant (dilute with water at 1:1) and wait for 30 minutes before dumping the towel with the contaminants. It is suggested to mop or wipe the contaminated surface and its surroundings (within a radius of 2 meters) with 84 Disinfectant (dilute with water at 1:100) twice.

  4. Open windows for ventilation or use exhaust fans for mechanical ventilation when the disinfection is carried out at any time.

  5. Wear surgical masks and rubber gloves when disposing of contaminants, then take a shower and change clothes right after the disposal.









































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  1. 我区调度安全专业委员会及成品油专项整治工作
  2. 东营市公安局关于在西城增设车驾管业务办理场所的公告
  3. 东营会展中心工程施工监理招标公告
  4. 市外办退休党员党支部举行云上主题党日活动
  5. 东营市环境空气质量情况通报
  6. 东营区四有唱响民族团结进步宣传月活动
  7. 垦利工业互联网重塑产业新动能
  8. 我市小学1—2年级幼儿园6月8日复学
  9. 东营市公安局燕纪光同志看望慰问备战中高考战疫民警子女
  10. 李宽端坚持远近结合标本兼治全面提升水环境治理标准和水平
  11. 山东省信用良好中小企业第一批公告
  12. 我市召开数聚赋能优化公积金服务新闻发布会
  13. 东营市统计局召开县区局长会研究部署当前经济运行及重点工作
  14. 区政府办公室党支部组织两学一做学习教育第三次集中研讨
  15. 区十四届人大常委会第17次会议召开
  16. 市委统战部召开巡察整改专题民主生活会
  17. 陈必昌等领导走访部队官兵和军休干部
  18. 东营市统计局与东营调查队召开畜牧业统计归口管理座谈会
  19. 山东大学第二医院与区人民医院协作签约
  20. 伏末天气凉爽宜人
  21. 垦利区兴隆街道做群众贴心人法律服务暖民心
  22. 林忠礼到大众网(东营)调研
  23. 燕乃敏梁润生检查第九届中国(东营)国际石油石化装备与技术展览会筹备情
  24. 关于韩国国立江原道大学三陟校区面向我市招收部分高中起点
  25. 2004年度社会评议市政府部门单位情况通报
  26. 市现代畜牧业发展服务中心召开上半年工作总结交流会议
  27. 关于2009年元旦放假的通知
  28. 东营市农民进城务工春风行动2006专场招聘大会公告
  29. 中共东营市水务局机关第四支部委员会赴河口区新户镇乡村振兴服务队开展碧
  30. 利津乡村振兴服务队队员当起网红主播快递小哥
  31. 全市人社系统内控外审质效提升行动暨社保专项稽核工作会议召开
  32. 全省动产抵押登记助企高质量发展洽谈会在广饶召开
  33. 东营组织收听收看工业互联网专题报告会
  34. 我市居民基本养老保险基础养老金提标政策落实落地
  35. 市政协组织开展智库专家献计十四五规划活动
  36. 广饶县委副书记县长陈伟颂为全县政府系统党员干部讲党风廉政建设专题党课
  37. 广饶县党建强筋骨产业助脱贫
  38. 全市危化品企业专家指导服务第一阶段培训会召开
  39. 聚焦现代畜牧业发展务虚会上出实招
  40. 区政府召开常务会议
  41. 电网检修停电公告
  42. 东营市第六届人民代表大会第四次会议主席团常务主席名单
  43. 我区组织收看纪念红军长征胜利80周年大会
  44. 今周计算机病毒发作预报
  45. 关于开展我为黄河三角洲开发建设建言献策征文活动的启事
  46. 我区举行科学发展现场观摩活动
  47. 供电公司停电公告
  48. 东营市人民检察院微机项目竞争性谈判公告
  49. 垦利多措并举全力保障司法行政系统社会信用体系建设健康发展
  50. 我区安排区政府系统建议提案交办工作
  51. 东营区委常委会召开会议研究推进乡村振兴战略和楼宇经济发展工作
  52. 东营市第十五届职工职业技能竞赛圆满闭幕
  53. 东营市海洋发展和渔业局统筹做好水产品稳产保供工作
  54. 市委党史研究院(市地方史志研究院)积极策划抗疫精神品格专题展
  55. 李春良来东营市调研推进黄河口国家公园建设工作
  56. 全市各界青年党史学习教育宣讲暨纪念***运动座谈会召开
  57. 我市开展东营优才卡服务在外东营英才特别行动
  58. 全市工贸行业粉尘涉爆领域双重预防体系现场观摩培训会议在东营开发区举行
  59. 市应急管理局党委理论学习中心组开展集中学习研讨
  60. 未来几天雨水连连气温降到30℃以下
  61. 广饶县应急局开展预防一氧化碳中毒宣传活动
  62. 河口八届区委举行第141次常委会(扩大)会议
  63. 北京技术市场协会考察团来我区考察
  64. 东营市药品监督管理局公告
  65. 关于2005年部分节假日休息安排的通知
  66. 你因疫情援卾我为英雄留影
  67. 东营市非遗在社区工作亮点纷呈
  68. 领导带头全员参与市市场监管局积极开展创城志愿服务活动
  69. 雨水到清凉来
  70. 关于招收2011年在职攻读工程硕士研究生的通知
  71. 东营市第六届人民代表大会第四次会议关于接受宋金兰辞去东营市第六届人民代
  72. 我市首期人工智能培训班开班
  73. 东营机票东营电子客票东营机场航班时刻表
  74. 关于2008年度市级优秀青少年维权岗复核情况的通报
  75. 市公路事业发展中心加强普通国省道养护大中修工程调度
  76. 东北财经大学网络教育招生简章
  77. 我市2005年度人民满意的公务员公示名单
  78. 相约东营直播助农市供销社积极开展优质农产品宣传推介活动
  79. 广饶县人力资源社会保障局多措并举做好高校毕业生档案管理工作
  80. 工业商贸流通和能源安全生产专业委员会专题工作会议召开
  81. 东营市副市长市公安局局长戚思宇到市域治理中心调研
  82. 陈泽浦督导调研创建全国文明城市工作
  83. 全省基层医保服务建设现场会与会人员到广饶县观摩
  84. 我市召开市域治理一体化综合指挥平台建设推进会
  85. 共产党宣言陈列馆开馆李宽端牛先锋张远航孔凡萍出席开馆仪式
  86. 戚思宇同志督导调研中心城区电动自行车集中登记挂牌工作
  87. 李宽端坚决打赢应对大气污染攻坚战
  88. 东营市公安局王智海同志到开发区分局开展送清凉慰问活动
  89. 周五周六有大型招聘会
  90. 利津县启动社会保障卡便民贷
  91. 东营市第六届人民代表大会第四次会议关于接受许本让辞去东营市第六届人民代
  92. 区人大调研组来我局开展调研
  93. 东营市人民政府关于加强超限运输车辆行驶公路管理的通告
  94. 东营区新区黄河公园铺装材料集中采购公告
  95. 东营市生态环境局荣获全市攻坚克难好团队称号
  96. 东营职业学院航空学院召开2020年理事会年会
  97. 广饶县五村遗址公园及花苑路迎宾路傅家路绿化工程施工政府采购招标公告
  98. 杨继红到基层联系点文汇街道讲党课
  99. 垦利新型农机齐上阵三秋生产实现全程机械化
  100. 东营仲裁委员会与市发展改革委召开培训工作座谈会