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Admin - admin 于2022年04月28日发表  

1. Shenzhen should comprehensively improve the ability to prevent and control the epidemic in accordance with the law, and make every effort to promote the construction of a demonstration city for the rule of law. On February 26, Wang Weizhong, Secretary of the CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee, presided over the second meeting of the Committee for Comprehensive Law-based Governance of the CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee. During the meeting, it was emphasized that Shenzhen should comprehensively improve the ability of epidemic prevention and control, as well as governance according to the law, integrate the thinking and methods of rule of law throughout the entire process of epidemic prevention and control, and provide a strong support of rule of law for the epidemic prevention and control. (Source: Shenzhen Release)


2. Chen Rugui, Mayor of Shenzhen, stressed the need to continuously expand the supply of protective goods such as face masks. On February 25, Chen Rugui, Mayor of Shenzhen, led a team to inspect the production frontline and supervise the production of medical protective goods. He emphasized that every effort should be made to expand the production capacities of medical protective goods such as face masks, so as to meet the needs of citizens, better protect their lives, and fully guarantee the epidemic prevention and control and enterprises" resumption of work and production. (Source: www.sz.gov.cn)


3. 65% of the COVID-19 patients in Shenzhen have been discharged from hospital, but experts reminded that the epidemic alarm has not been lifted. As of February 26, the total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospital in Shenzhen had reached 271. Experts from the Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention remind that adjusting the emergency response level does not mean the epidemic alarm has been lifted. Citizens must follow the requirements of zoning and classification as well as targeted prevention and control measures. Follow the "three don"ts" of don"t visit relatives and friends, don"t gather and don"t dine together. Keep up with the "three dos" of wear face masks, wash hands frequently and keep the room well-ventilated. (Source: Shenzhen Release)


4. Shenzhen"s comprehensive ban on consumption of wildlife is now open to solicit public opinions. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19, the major risks posed on public health security by the trade and indiscriminate consumption of wildlife have aroused great public concern. The Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal People"s Congress took the lead in legislating to ban the consumption of wildlife in an all-round manner, promulgating Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on the Comprehensive Ban on Consuming Wildlife (Draft for Opinions). Dogs, snakes, frogs, soft-shelled turtles and other animals that are excluded from the edible list may be banned from being served on dining tables. (Source: Shenzhen Release)


5. Guidelines on resuming eat-in for the catering industries in Shenzhen have been issued, with a dining traceability system established in the prevention and control based on classification. On February 26, the COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters of Shenzhen Municipality formulated and released the Guidelines on COVID-19 Prevention and Control and Resumption of Work and Production for Catering Businesses, providing guidance on whether to resume eat-in, and how to resume eat-in to ensure public dining safety. Restaurants at high-risk level deemed by the classification of Shenzhen COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters shall suspend eat-in services while those at medium-risk level may allow restricted eat-in, and those at low-risk level may promote off-peak dining by referring to prevention and control for medium-risk level businesses. (Source: COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters of Shenzhen Municipality)


6. Some outpatient clinics in hospitals in Shenzhen have gradually re-opened. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, major hospitals in Shenzhen have suspended the operation of some outpatient services, and diagnosis and treatment services provided by hospitals funded by non-governmental sectors have also been suspended accordingly. Recently, some outpatient clinics in some public hospitals have gradually re-opened. However, outpatient services with high infection risk in major public hospitals, such as stomatology, otolaryngology, cosmetic medicine and gastrointestinal mucosal inspection are still suspended. (Source: sznews.com)



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  1. 广饶县工业循环风吹绿GDP
  2. 义和镇帮育促用促农民增收
  3. 义和镇文化墙倡树文明新风
  4. 区安监局开展三送做好安全培训工作
  5. 仙河镇认真排练河口区庆祝建党90周年大合唱比赛节目
  6. 河口国土分局召开半年总结工作会议
  7. 新户镇农字头龙头企业激活农村经济
  8. 区检察院举办检察开放日活动
  9. 河口职教中心在第九届全国文明风采中获佳绩
  10. 河口区发展环境建设评价报告编制完成(请帮着往市政府网站投稿谢谢)
  11. 河口区供电公司开展电力彩虹新春送温暖活动惠及百户农民
  12. 市质监局真心办实事企业送锦旗
  13. 东营市开展市县级普查指导员水利普查培训
  14. 全市道路交通安全暨公安交通管理工作会议召开
  15. 河口区统计局四项措施加强队伍建设
  16. 六合街道中心小学开展缅怀革命先烈珍惜幸福生活演讲比赛
  17. 区安监局突出五查做好职业卫生监管工作
  18. 东营经济技术开发区召开工业生产者价格调查企业一套表联网直报工作暨程
  19. 义和镇创新流动人口管理模式构建和谐义和
  20. 河口环保分局荣获2011年度全区垂管部门综合考核第一名
  21. 区委副书记区长武林中检查指导引水春灌工作
  22. 民生热线帮民致富为民分忧
  23. 全面推进地下水污染防治工作
  24. 市特检所践行三严三实强化特检队伍建设
  25. 垦利县供电公司真情彩虹赢得赞誉
  26. 我市外贸进出口增幅连续8个月蝉联全省第一
  27. 河口一中第十四届学生会成立大会胜利召开
  28. 河口区环保分局严把项目审批关积极服务循环经济建设
  29. 市人大代表政协委员来我区视察三网工程建设情况
  30. 聂建军苟增杰调研首届黄河三角洲(中国河口)湿地槐花节筹备工作
  31. 北斗卫星导航民用开发调研组来东营市考察调研
  32. 青岛市政协考察团来我市参观考察
  33. 河口区统计局三环相扣提升部门统计工作
  34. 河口区统计局构筑五道防火墙确保网络信息安全
  35. 区物价局四举措做好价格档案管理工作
  36. 我市开展地质灾害隐患排查
  37. 思想再重视责任再明确力度再加大确保全市安全度汛
  38. 东营区邮政三农服务站供放心农资
  39. 家园校手牵手幼小衔接四步走
  40. 利津县半年工作会议召开
  41. 姜异康姜大明会见傅成玉一行
  42. 东营市湿地保护总体规划通过专家评审
  43. 广饶县政协党组召开三严三实专题民主生活会
  44. 东营市人民医院急诊急救中心暨内科病房综合楼荣获中国建筑工程鲁班奖
  45. 东营港国税分局深入企业走访调研
  46. 我市第三批非物质文化遗产出炉
  47. 河口区交通运输局狠抓两会期间交通运输安全生产工作
  48. 市纪委监察局以东营海关为榜样履行职能
  49. 河口蓝色经济开发区圆满完成打非治违集中行动和第四轮安全技术性服务检查工作
  50. 2013年度全区重点党报党刊发行工作会议召开
  51. 东营供电公司首次自主使用激光炮清除线路异物
  52. 河口环保分局加强保密工作安全管理
  53. 利津县妇联积极扶持农村妇女创业增收
  54. 东营市统计局召开文化产业清查会议
  55. 河口区科技局确立一二四五工作思路全面推进科技工作
  56. 垦利县财政局从五个方面强化非税收入征管
  57. 我区三八活动丰富多彩
  58. 孤岛镇三项服务惠民心
  59. 2009年职称评审政策出台
  60. 国土分局把土地执法巡查工作落到实处
  61. 市六届人大三次会议主席团举行第三次会议
  62. 东营市地震局党组召开会议研究部署学习宣传贯彻党的十九大精神
  63. 市区国税局所得税管理年活动有成效
  64. 河安小学暑假特色作业让孩子享受别样假期
  65. 河口区城市管理局市场化运作优化城市管理职能
  66. 河口区召开2012油地迎新春茶话会
  67. 太平乡着力打造五型计生干部
  68. 王英明到河口街道六合街道视察灾情
  69. 河口区发改局组织集中观看保密警示教育片
  70. 河口区医疗保险事业处把好四关做好城镇居民医疗保险工作
  71. 我市举行反对邪教健康人生主题演讲大赛
  72. 东营区安排部署人才工作任务
  73. 市委全面治理水气污染全民开展环保行动督导组来我区就调研
  74. 区职教中心开展保密宣传教育月活动
  75. 河口河务局部署世界水日中国水周宣传活动
  76. 我区举行走进孤岛相约槐林诗词朗诵会
  77. 市国土资源局一张图成果喜获全省优秀测绘地理信息工程一等奖
  78. 全区服务业发展工作会议召开
  79. 河口区统计局四举措提高源头统计数据质量
  80. 牛国昌三十年尽孝双亲诠释人间至爱
  81. 河口区交通运输局抓好行风评议
  82. 我市提高城镇职工门诊慢性病医疗待遇
  83. 我区组织收听收看全国创先争优活动经验交流视频会议
  84. 区教育局扎实做好开学第一课工作
  85. 河口区统计局严把三关做好新增三上企业申报
  86. 全市海洋与渔业工作会议召开
  87. 利津县三千教师走进考场做考生
  88. 利津县检察院公安局联合召开两抢一盗案件实务座谈会
  89. 河口经济开发区优化环境加快实施人才强区战略
  90. 区人大常委会第一副主任王树臣走访区人大代表
  91. 东营市国税局开展2017年度网络安全事件应急演练
  92. 新型墙材节能又环保
  93. 垦利县组织召开2016年度全县学校食堂食品安全专题培训会议
  94. 丁水林到义和镇新户镇察看灾情
  95. 孤岛这多措并举办实事好事服务广大群众
  96. 中国石油大学国家大学科技园博士后科研工作站首位入站博士岳吉祥通过开题答
  97. 中国棉纺织行业百强评出东营5家企业榜上有名
  98. 河口区安监局开展五型机关创建活动加强队伍建设
  99. 全市企业上市工作培训会议召开
  100. 开展打霸治痞专项行动