客服热线:0755-8882 8155


Admin - admin 于2022年04月28日发表  

Dear foreign friends,

The outbreak of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus has become a major concern for all of us recently. Prevention and control of it has become a top priority. On January 23, 2020, the People’s Government of Guangdong Province activated a Level I public health emergency response, following which measures to prevent and control novel coronavirus have been taken according to laws and regulations and in an orderly manner in Shenzhen. For questions you may have, we have referred to the information released by health authorities, human resources authorities, and the National Immigration Administration to come up with a list of answers for your information.



1. How to prevent novel coronavirus infection?

-Avoid visiting outbreak areas (Hubei Province in particular)

-Minimize outdoor activities, and wear a mask when you need to go outdoors

-Maintain good ventilation indoors

-Wash hands frequently and maintain good personal hygiene

-Pay special attention to places with high risk of contamination including elevators, doorknobs and toilets

-As part of the prevention and control measures, community staff may contact you for information by phone call or in-person visits.








Scan the following QR code for more information


2. What should you do if you recently came to Shenzhen from other regions?

(1) If you came from Hubei Province or made a transit in Hubei Province

-Please make a note of the time and detailed information of the transportation you took (license plate, train or flight number and tickets, seat number, etc.)

-You shall inform the work station of your community, your employer or the hotel you are staying in upon arrival. You are required to undergo a 14-day self-monitored or collective quarantine. Your cooperation with the community staffs, doctors and police officers is highly appreciated.

(2) If you came from other regions

-Please pay close attention to your and family members’ health status. Please avoid gatherings or other group activities within 14 days upon arrival in Shenzhen.







3. What should you do if you feel unwell?

-To minimize the chance of cross infection, please first call Shenzhen Family Doctor Center at 400-11-91160 and press 2 for a preliminary consultation. For other inquiries on novel coronavirus, please call government service hotline 12345.

-If you have symptoms including fever and cough, please wear a mask and go to a nearby hospital with the fever clinic in time.

-You can go to Peking University Shenzhen Hospital or The University of Hong Kong–Shenzhen Hospital for better English services.





4. How to deal with the medical expenses of foreigners who are diagnosed with pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus infection?

-Medical expenses incurred by foreigners in Shenzhen who are suspected cases or confirmed cases of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus infection and treated at hospitals designated by municipal health authority shall be covered by the medical insurance or the government finance after treatment. Individuals don’t have to pay for the above-mentioned medical expenses.



5. When will schools and workplaces open after the Spring Festival holiday?

-The People’s Government of Guangdong Province has stipulated that all enterprises should not resume work prior to 24:00 of February 9 except permitted exclusions.

-According to relevant stipulations, from February 3 to 9, enterprises should pay wages to employees in accordance with standards stipulated by the employment contract. Enterprises not applicable to the February 9 work resumption stipulation should pay wages to employees who have been working according to laws and regulations.

-All kindergartens, primary schools and middle schools shall not open prior to February 17. All universities, colleges, secondary vocational schools and technician schools shall not open prior to February 24.





6. Is exit and entry to China affected during the epidemic prevention and control period?

(1) Can foreigners exit from and enter to China as usual during the epidemic prevention and control period?

-Hong Kong SAR: The Hong Kong SAR has temporarily closed checkpoints in Luohu, Huanggang and Futian. Shenzhen Bay Checkpoint and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Checkpoint are still open. Cross-border ferry services between Hong Kong and Guangdong Province are still provided at Skypier at Hong Kong International Airport but suspended at Hong Kong-Macao Ferry Terminal. The number of flights between Hong Kong and mainland airports has been reduced with flights to and from Hubei Province suspended.

-Macao SAR: Any non-Macao SAR resident who has visited Hubei Province within 14 days will be asked to provide a certificate issued by a certified medical institution to prove that he/she is free of novel coronavirus infection prior to the entry to Macao SAR. Failing to provide such proof will result in rejection of entry.

-Transportation channels for exiting Wuhan have been temporarily closed.

-China’s visa-free transit policy for foreigners remains unchanged.

-You are advised to reduce or avoid cross-border trips. If there is a must, please check the latest exit and entry control measures of your country/region of destination in advance in order to avoid inconveniences and loss caused be rejection of entry.








(2) How can foreigners extend visas and apply for residence permits during the epidemic prevention and control period?

-All Exit and Entry authorities across China will continue to provide visa extension and residence permit application services to ensure your legal stay.

-To avoid gathering, the Exit and Entry Authority of Shenzhen Public Security Bureau will adjust the service time according to appointments. Please make an appointment in advance.

-The Exit and Entry Authority of Shenzhen Public Security Bureau has launched a 24-hour hotline for foreigners in Shenzhen for inquiries regarding exit and entry document policies and border control measures of different countries and regions. Please dial 0755-84465490 for the updates.

-For foreigners who have submitted their passport for visa or residence permit application and need to shift to express service, please apply to the Exit and Entry Authority via phone. You will be contacted once the document is ready for pick-up.






(3) What if a foreigner’s visa/residence permit expires during the epidemic prevention and control period?

-According to Exit and Entry Administration Law of China, foreigners should exit Shenzhen or apply for extension at the Exit and Entry authorities before the visas/residence permits expire. In light of the relevant laws and regulations and the current situation, those who are unable to exit as scheduled or extend the visas/residence permits due to the reason of epidemic prevention and control shall be given a lighter or mitigated or be exempted from punishment by the Exit and Entry Authority depending upon circumstances.



Foreign Affairs Office of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government

Shenzhen Health Commission

Shenzhen Public Security Bureau

February 5, 2020







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  83. 城壕村容村貌靓起来乡村产业兴起来
  84. 高万宏初心不改三十载
  85. 西峰驻村帮扶畅通精准滴灌管道
  86. 镇原四化护航执纪审查安全生命线
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  91. 视频甘肃电视台4月17日甘肃新闻临洮415地震系列报道
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  99. 青岛九天集团创新四维改良技术使盐碱地变稻田
  100. 庆阳市第三次民族团结进步模范集体和模范个人推荐名单公示公告