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Admin - admin 于2022年04月28日发表  

1. Every effort is made to step up epidemic prevention and control as well as economic and social development at the same time. No victory should be lightly announced until there is a complete win. On Feb. 24, Secretary Wang Weizhong convened an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee. At the meeting, Wang Weizhong stressed that positive achievements have been made in the city’s epidemic prevention and control work, yet the entire landscape remains challenging and complex. Hence, the city should continue to comprehensively and faithfully conduct prevention and control and coordinate prevention and control campaign and economic and social development, so as to shoulder the responsibility of the Shenzhen Pilot Demonstration Zone with concrete actions and tangible achievements. (Source: Shenzhen Government Online)


2. Lowering emergency response to Second Level does not mean sounding the all-clear for the epidemic. Guangdong CDC says a multi-level, area-specific and targeted prevention and control approach shall be taken and that measures shall remain stringent instead of loosened or even lifted. COVID-19 is an infectious disease that mainly spreads through droplets and contact. Gatherings and crowds will bring high risks of infection and transmission, which is proved by the numerous family cluster infections. Therefore, we should never be blindly optimistic or take chances. (Source: Guangdong CDC)


3. Almost 90% of enterprises directly under Shenzhen SASAC have resumed work and production. A double-front battle of epidemic prevention and work resumption is fought to guarantee stable supply of livelihood goods and public services. 24 out of 28 enterprises directly under Shenzhen Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission have resumed work and production. Over 95% percent of operation, if not 100%, has been resumed in companies such as Shenzhen Airport Group, Shenzhen Environment and Water Group, and Shenzhen Gas Group. Since the epidemic outbreak, businesses providing livelihood services and products, including public transportation, utilities, non-grain food supply and grain supply, have not suspended services or production on a single day, in a bid to ensure normal operation of the city. (Source: Shenzhen Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission)


4. Shenzhen advices enterprises to stagger commuting and avoid cluster outbreak. Recently, Shenzhen Headquarters for COVID-19 Prevention and Control has released Proposals for Enterprises to Stagger Commuting and Take other Flexible Working Measures, which calls on enterprises to take flexible measures such as spacing out commuting trips, adopting flexible working time, working from home, telecommuting and working in batches. (Source: Shenzhen Headquarters for COVID-19 Prevention and Control)


5. Shenzhen Education Bureau orders schools not to open until the epidemic is over. Guangdong Provincial Education Department has issued Notice regarding Online Education Arrangements, which clarifies that all primary and middle schools in the province shall conduct online education starting from March 2 and that students shall not return to school. The back-to-school date is subject to the epidemic prevention and control, and will be announced to society after scientific research and judgement. According to Shenzhen Municipal Education Bureau, schools shall not open unless the epidemic is over. The safety and physical and mental health of faculty and students shall be the priority. (Source: Shenzhen Municipal Education Bureau)


6. Shenzhen has transferred over 30,000 cadres from municipal and district departments to support communities in epidemic prevention. Shenzhen, as the country’s largest immigrant city, has transferred over 30,000 cadres from municipal and district departments to safeguard the main battlefields of communities and residences. Among them, a guidance and service group that is made of 384 cadres from departments directly under Shenzhen municipality, has been dispatched to work full-time in 10 districts (new district), 74 subdistricts and Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation zone. (Source: Shenzhen Government Online)



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  1. 坚定践行新时代党的组织路线切实履行管党治党重大政治责任
  2. 南定镇述责述廉亮家底廉洁履职受评议
  3. 淄博经济开发区消防救援大队双随机一公开11月份检查结果
  4. 叫响幸福周村六最宣言
  5. 博山公安分局与旅游企业召开座谈会
  6. 市城市管理局来我区调研垃圾分类工作
  7. 全区事业单位法人监督管理工作联席会议召开
  8. 博山实践基地提高素质服务发展打造群众满意学校
  9. 春节艺演城东专场曲艺盛宴伴新春
  10. 博山区人社局转作风提效能促民生
  11. 区司法工作办公室强化措施着力提升社区矫正工作水平
  12. 加快推进黄标车淘汰工作
  13. 开发区强化创新驱动推动企业做大做强
  14. 咬定青山不放松开创强省建设新局面——我省广大党员干部群众深
  15. 大手牵小手撑起平安伞
  16. 开发区投资百万提升水利
  17. 城西街道聚焦四风听取意见
  18. 2021年融媒进社区主题文化季启动
  19. 聚力品质提升激发城市活力
  20. 区审计物价局开展我们的节日七夕节经典诵读活动
  21. 八陡镇扎实做好夏秋征兵宣传工作
  22. 李德刚调研全面从严治党党风廉政建设和反腐败工作
  23. 共青团周村区十一届一次全委会议召开
  24. 白塔镇多措并举提升服务水平和群众满意度
  25. 文昌湖区引进第一批哈罗景区共享单车
  26. 全市产教融合校企合作推进会在我区举行
  27. 开发区计生办关注性别比宣传
  28. 石马镇五个融入力促五阳湖生态旅游度假区跨越发展
  29. 八陡镇多措并举营造生态宜居居住环境
  30. 博山区菜篮子价格稳中略降
  31. 区综合行政执法局在沙滩公园与龙城管护物业进行交接
  32. 博山公安分局夏家庄派出所开展消防演练进寺庙活动
  33. 参加集中学习强化群众观念——开发区全体党员干部参观焦裕禄纪念馆
  34. 博山公安分局石马派出所正月赶大集送福送平安
  35. 我区加快交通道路重点工程建设
  36. 加强违法排污企业整治
  37. 以有解思维推动阳光信访助力淄博经开区经济社会稳定快速发展
  38. 我区组织收听收看***第二次廉政工作会议
  39. 源泉镇三查促使计生工作重心下移
  40. 博山国土分局积极为企业提供优质服务
  41. 我区召开优秀教师座谈会
  42. 区智能产业发展招商中心坚持内外兼修奏响招商引资最美乐章
  43. 傅家镇扎实开展全员核酸检测个人信息登记工作
  44. 315国际消费者权益日宣传活动启动仪式举行
  45. 全国政法队伍教育整顿中央第九督导组到山东省公安厅开展督导
  46. 我区召开政治生态评价第一次联席会议
  47. 我区组织收看省市自然灾害综合风险普查工作视频会议
  48. 我区举行学习党的十八届五中全会精神宣讲报告会
  49. 持续用力抓好教育实践活动整改依法依规推进两委换届选举
  50. 区发改局扎实做好全区小城镇污水基础设施建设项目调度储备工作
  51. 山东公安机关学习贯彻重要训词精神暨向党和人民报告主题活动举行
  52. 深入推进卫生城市复审和城乡环卫一体化工作
  53. 刘家义主持召开防台风视频调度会议
  54. 文昌湖区党工委副书记管委会主任汪德法和市税务局联合党委委员
  55. 博山公安分局大街派出所户籍有约快捷服务
  56. 全区加强财税管理工作部署推进会召开
  57. 北郊镇党的群众路线教育实践活动动员会召开
  58. 开发区创新工作思路构建安监工作新格局
  59. 源泉镇完成2013年冬季征兵初检工作
  60. 省委民族工作会议暨全省宗教工作会议召开
  61. 全区2021年VOCs整治工作推进会召开
  62. 区领导到南郊镇常旺村宣讲党的十九届六中全会精神
  63. 关于对2020年淄博经济开发区中小学教师职务中级评审委员会评审通过人员进行公
  64. 博山镇举行防恐防暴应急演练
  65. 初冬里的暖阳他们医直在路上
  66. 域城镇中心校举办法制教育交通安全报告会
  67. 全力推进产业链精准招商打开经济发展新局面
  68. 城西街道义诊进社区居民来点赞
  69. 我区举行机关干部健身运动会2015年
  70. 博山区生猪价格逆势下跌猪肉价格相对平稳
  71. 区地税分局召开发展入党积极分子党员大会
  72. 博山公安分局圆满完成2015年元宵节安全保卫任务
  73. 擦亮文明城市最美底色
  74. 区环保分局三项措施加强公车管理
  75. 区军休所老干部参观雷锋文化馆
  76. 我区召开镇(街道)党(工)委书记集中学习讲评会
  77. 强素质树形象促工作丨淄博经开区纪工委监工委研究部署对标工作助力经开高质
  78. 我区组织收听收看市长市民面对面节目
  79. 博山区农业局三措并举确保食品安全
  80. 区人大常委会党组2020年度民主生活会召开
  81. 区领导督导我区扫黑除恶专项斗争工作
  82. 能力大提升淄博经开区青年干部落实突破专题培训班圆满结业
  83. 城西街道三举措构建道路交通安全
  84. 省督导组来周督导检查十九大安保维稳工作
  85. 博山公安分局大街派出所四个突出集中整治街面违法犯罪
  86. 群众微声音施政大方向
  87. 金周大讲堂——预防职务犯罪宣讲报告会举行
  88. 白塔镇打击两非拉开序幕
  89. 刘家义会见中国农业发展银行客人
  90. 山东省政府与中国联通集团公司签署战略合作协议
  91. 博山镇品蓝莓观天佛好客山东中国博山第三届蓝莓采摘季暨风情天佛山
  92. 白塔镇文化墙引领文明新风尚
  93. 选派第二批机关干部开展挂职包保工作部署暨培训会举行
  94. 我区再次涌现身边好人先进典型2人
  95. 我区学雷锋志愿服务周活动丰富多彩
  96. 池上镇开展农村妇女免费两***筛查
  97. 博山镇喜迎全民健身日
  98. 八陡镇淡化节日气氛迅速进入工作状态
  99. 区质安站组织施工现场观摩学习
  100. 城东街道机关趣味运动会展风采