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Admin - admin 于2022年04月19日发表  

From: Foreign Affairs Office of Shenzhen Municipal Government

Updated: 2020-06-20 10:06

FAQs on the recent COVID-19 cluster infections in Beijing

  1. Can I still travel between Beijing and Guangdong?

Residents who’re currently in Beijing should follow all requirements for the prevention and control of COVID-19 in Beijing, keep updated about the city’s prevention and control strategies, as well as information on the city’s traffic and community management (for example, residents in high-risk subdistricts are prohibited from exiting) and abide by all prevention and control measures. According to a notice released on the official website of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality on June 17, Beijing raised its public health emergency response from the third to the second level on June 16. Residents in Beijings medium- and high-risk subdistricts and townships, as well as those related to the Xinfadi Market, shall not leave Beijing. Other residents should not leave the city unless the trip is necessary.

People in Guangdong should avoid traveling to medium- and high-risk areas unless the trip is necessary. (Source: Health Commission of Shenzhen Municipality)

2. I have just returned to Guangdong from Beijing. What should I do?

According to the Notice on a Patriotic Health Campaign and the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 in Key Venues including Farmers’ Marketsreleased by the Office of Guangdong Headquarters for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, travelers visiting or returning to Guangdong who have been to high-risk areas over the previous 14 days should undergo a 14-day collective quarantine for medical observation. In addition, travelers visiting or returning to Guangdong who have been to medium-risk areas over the previous 14 days should accept community health management, under which the staff members will issue a health notice, implement health inquiry and check the health QR code of the traveler. Such travelers should also take nucleic acid tests on the day of arrival, and stay at home for quarantine if necessary. 

Travelers returning from medium- and high-risk areas: if you have been to medium- and high-risk areas in Beijing over the previous 14 days, you should immediately contact the local disease prevention and control center or community health service center and accept collective or stay-at-home quarantine under the guidance of the staff members.

Travelers not returning from medium- and high-risk areas: if you have been to places in Beijing which are not rated medium- and high-risk areas, you should apply for a health code as required, report relevant information to your employer or community, take preventative measures and closely watch your health conditions. Also, please avoid using public transportation, joining gatherings and going to confined or crowded spaces in 14 days. Once symptoms such as fever, fatigue or dry cough arise, please immediately report to your employer or community and seek medical attention at a nearby fever clinic after putting on a surgical mask. You should also honestly inform the doctor of your travel or residence history to Beijing. Besides, residents who have traveled to or from Beijing should pay close attention to changes in the risk level of areas in Beijing. (Source: Health Commission of Shenzhen Municipality)

3. If I have had contact with someone who’s been to an epidemic-affected area and my nucleic acid test result is negative, should I undergo quarantine?

According to current epidemiological investigations and research findings, the COVID-19 incubation period ranges from 1 to 14 days, and confirmed cases usually have an incubation period from 3 to 7 days. If the person you had contact with has ruled out COVID-19 infection, you don’t need to be quarantined. If the person is infected, but you took preventative measures during your contact with him or her and your nucleic acid test result is negative, then you don’t need to be quarantined. However, if you didn’t take preventative measures while you had contact with the person, even if your test result is negative, you’ll have to undergo a 14-day collective quarantine according to related policies. (Source: Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

4. When should I wear a face mask?

At present, the epidemic prevention and control landscape in Guangdong is constantly improving, yet sporadic cases and even cluster of infection are still possible. Therefore, citizens are still advised to take a face mask with them. If you have respiratory diseases and symptoms such as fever or cough, you should always wear a face mask. You should also wear a face mask if you go to crowded places, such as a supermarkets, public transportation, confined spaces or medical institutions. In addition, remember to wash your hands frequently, keep your rooms well ventilated, avoid gatherings, keep social distancing and avoid going to medium- and high-risk areas. If you have symptoms such as cold or cough, please put on a face mask and seek medical attention at a nearby fever clinic. (Source: Health Commission of Guangdong Province)

5. Can I still buy and eat seafood?

Current studies show that the COVID-19 virus is transmitted mainly through droplets and close contact. Transmission through aerosol is also possible if you’re exposed to high-concentration aerosol in confined spaces for a long time, and other transmission channels are still to be confirmed. Currently, there’s no evidence showing that eating seafood can cause COVID-19 infection. In daily life, citizens should pay attention to food hygiene and safety. Different chopping boards should be used for raw ingredients and cooked food. After processing raw meat, poultry and seafood, please wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and running water. (Source: Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

Foreign Affairs Office of Shenzhen Municipal Peoples Government

Health Commission of Shenzhen Municipality

June 19, 2020


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  1. 张店区人民医院举行服务百姓健康义诊活动
  2. 贯彻规定突出重点压实责任一刻不放松做好卫计系统安全生产工作
  3. 周村大班子联席会议召开——强调全力打好生态环境治理攻坚战
  4. 省物价局调研组来我区调研
  5. 市地震局领导到沂源县考察防震减灾工作
  6. 体育场街道有解思维打造三无社区
  7. 深入开展城乡环境大整治3月份攻坚行动
  8. 张店区统计局深入两处创业园区走访调研
  9. 省政务信息系统整合共享第四督查组来桓台县督查
  10. 市质监局组织干部职工参加孝妇河湿地公园健步走暨全民健身月启动仪式
  11. 张店东部化工区全力推进园区安全风险评价迎接省化工园区认定评
  12. 张店区建设三大阵地打造未成年人思想道德建设工作立体推进模
  13. 挥笔撒墨锦上花书画创作风采佳
  14. 中国人民政治协商会议第十三届淄川区委员会第一次会议开幕
  15. 坚决落实疫情防控各项举措全力支持各类企业复工复产
  16. 区领导调度节日期间重点工作
  17. 市工商局举办广告监测监管工作部署暨培训会
  18. 中共山东省委举行民主协商会议
  19. 张店区积极开展网络安全宣传活动
  20. 市领导来我区调研脱贫攻坚工作
  21. 第八届山东文博会明日开幕
  22. 桓台入选全国文明城市提名城市
  23. 博山区加快经济开发区创新发展工作会召开
  24. 桓台县召开创卫办工作人员会议
  25. 山东今年夏粮总产单产双创历史新高
  26. 省十三届人大常委会第二十九次会议举行第二次全体会议
  27. 青年突击队奋进正当时公园街道召开青年干部座谈会
  28. 全市总林长会议召开
  29. 我省首次秒批企业营业执照
  30. 张店区对2017年普法依法治理工作作出部署
  31. 区编办做好事业单位绩效考核前期准备工作
  32. 区商务局四举措严把关打造节约型机关
  33. 张庆盈副市长到市地震局调研防震减灾工作
  34. 阿里云与东华水泥合作水泥工业智慧大脑项目启动
  35. 体育场街道一店一档精细化管理商铺
  36. 淄博市张店区第十七届人民代表大会第三次会议隆重开幕
  37. 区政协领导讲党史学习教育专题党课
  38. 市政协十二届二十次常委会议召开
  39. 城东司法所组织举办迎新春法治书画展系列活动
  40. 张店区召开2018年肉菜流通追溯体系建设工作会议
  41. 王义朴调研指导扶贫工作
  42. 区住建局积极参加全市依法行政宣传日活动
  43. 举办博爱端阳诗会弘扬我们的节日
  44. 江敦涛来淄川区督导中央生态环境保护督察交办问题整改工作
  45. 刘家义在栖霞笏山金矿爆炸事故现场指挥救援工作
  46. 冯炳涛调研交通基础设施提升项目
  47. 沂源县委书记王义朴调研路域环境综合整治及交通重点工程
  48. 中国建材联合会中国水泥协会考察团来淄川区考察
  49. 张店区2021年四季度重大项目集中开工仪式举行
  50. 高青县迎接国家义务教育基本发展均衡县复查
  51. 我区组织收看全省农村集体产权制度改革暨农村集体资产清产核资工作动员会
  52. 全区第四次经济普查动员会召开
  53. 红色旅游景点成中秋火爆打卡地
  54. 市教育局开展义务教育优质均衡发展现状暨督学队伍建设集中调研
  55. 王可杰副市长到市鲁山林场调研指导工作
  56. 省交安委督查组督查高新区危化品运输生产
  57. 淄博市旅发委组织千家旅行社进淄博大型踩线营销活动
  58. 全省安全生产电视会议召开
  59. 市委常委会召开会议
  60. 2020年第五次全市城乡环境大整治精细管理大提升行动工作推进
  61. 市领导到区县和市直部门参加指导民主生活会
  62. 体育场街道创新举措织密冬季防火安全网
  63. 区编办事业单位档案整理工作成效显现
  64. 淄博市早谋划细安排全面做好核查工作
  65. 加强经营性储煤场管控坚决遏制劣质散煤流通
  66. 2018年中央一号文件宣读报告会视频会议召开
  67. 省地震局局长倪岳伟听取淄博市地震局工作汇报
  68. 博山区经信局举办服务进农村志愿服务活动
  69. 市委党史学习教育第二巡回指导组来淄川区观摩区领导讲党课
  70. 区住建局未雨绸缪确保城区安全度汛
  71. 市委书记周连华现场调度路域绿化和生态修复工作
  72. 市地震局召开大学习大调研大改进工作务虚会
  73. 党建共建同发展志愿服务暖人心
  74. 张店区残联召开推进两学一做学习教育常态化制度化工作部署会
  75. 马晓磊率团赴上海参加进博会期间开展系列招商考察活动
  76. 国家发改委美丽中国评估专家组实地调研博山区博山镇三水源生态修复绿化工
  77. 张店区人民医院举行新职工岗前培训
  78. 临淄区劳动人事仲裁院落实一次办好实现便民利民
  79. 黄河水利委员会主任汪安南来我市检查秋汛防御工作
  80. 全市检察机关推进企业合规改革试点优化法治营商环境座谈会
  81. 区政府与省农信社淄博办事处签订乡村振兴暨新旧动能转换战略合作协议
  82. 淄博市中心医院顺利通过三甲复审现场评审
  83. 全市全域公园城市建设第一次现场观摩推进会召开
  84. 我省ETC累计发行量100455万个
  85. 桓台县果里镇重拳出击重点行业环境整治零容忍
  86. 周村老旧小区楼道告别漏风摸黑
  87. 全面实现两不愁三保障
  88. 市派驻张店区第一书记工作总结表彰暨部署会议召开
  89. 房镇镇组织开展美在家庭创建助力城乡环境大整治大提升活
  90. 迎接新起点展望新起航——房镇镇中心幼儿园开园仪式隆重举行
  91. 房镇镇挥笔撒墨锦上花书画创作风采佳
  92. 省财政下达76亿元支持城乡义务教育均衡发展
  93. 我市博山区池上镇沂源县南鲁山镇获山东省森林小镇称号
  94. 生态环境部强化督查组中心组来沂源县督查2018年冬季清洁取暖工作
  95. 我区启动抗日战争文史资料征编活动
  96. 沂源公安深入推进视频全覆盖工程织牢织实护民天网
  97. 市经济合作局率团参加第二十一届西洽会
  98. 山东实现高铁环形贯通
  99. 马晓磊慰问新冠疫苗接种医务人员
  100. 区审计局强化对新建教学楼工程现场审计