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Admin - admin 于2022年04月23日发表  

From: Foreign Affairs Office of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government

Updated: 2020-02-17 13:02

1.Shenzhen conducts comprehensive prevention and control publicity and disinfection campaign in communities. On Feb. 16, the Community Division of Shenzhen Headquarters Office for NCP Prevention and Control conducted comprehensive prevention and control publicity and disinfection campaign in communities across the city, which covered 662 communities in 74 subdistricts and the Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone. Community staff and volunteers were organized to perform the thorough disinfection in residential areas and residents were also mobilized to disinfect their homes, with no corner left out. In addition, an extensive publicity campaign on epidemic prevention and control was carried out. In the campaign, 11 tons of disinfectant and over 2 million effervescent tablets were offered to communities and households for free. (Source: sznews.cn)

2. Passengers arriving at or departing from Shenzhen Airport on domestic flights shall report their health information. In order to better prevent and control the epidemic, starting from Feb. 16, passengers arriving at or departing from Shenzhen Airport on domestic flights will have to truthfully report their health information. Passengers on international flights or Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan flights shall report their information as per the requirements of the customs(quarantine) authorities. Passengers can report information at the terminal departure hall and arrival hall by scanning a QR code, or do it on WeChat mini-program “Shenzhen Airport” (“深圳机场”). (Source: Transportation Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality)

3. Instant 2019-nCoV testing device developed by Shenzhen-based MGI can test 10,000 samples per day with testing reports produced within one hour. Since the outbreak of the NCP, nucleic acid testing has provided essential evidence for clinical diagnosis, release from quarantine and discharge of recovered patients. In order to meet the demand in flexible and instant testing, MGI has developed a closed automated device for instant 2019-nCoV testing, which can finish virus nucleic acid sample extraction, testing and result determination within 1 hour. At the same time, “Huo Yan” Laboratory was launched in Dapeng, Shenzhen on Feb. 14, enhancing MGI’s testing capacity to over 10,000 samples per day. (Source: sznews.cn)

4. Shenzhen promotes Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to comprehensively get engaged in the prevention and control of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP). The number of cases cured with the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine reaches 56. Shenzhen gives full play to TCM’s advantages, and expected effects have been achieved to prevent and control the NCP by the integration of the traditional Chinese and western medicine. Shenzhen has established a Special TCM Working Group on the NCP Prevention and Control. Among the cases TCM engaged in, over 80% patients have experienced improving situations in the symptoms of fatigue, fever, cough, sore throat and poor appetite as well as lung image. (Source: Guangdong Provincial TCM Bureau)  

5. Water supply and drainage in the city are running in a safe, stable and orderly manner during the period of the epidemic prevention and control. During the period of epidemic, water plants and water purification plants have adopted closed-off management and cut external source of infection to ensure normal production. Apart from measures of reinforcing disinfection in all water purification plants, Shenzhen Water Group have updated drainage roadmaps in hospitals and residences in the Special Economic Zone, based on the updated list of places where the confirmed patients have dropped by, compiled guidance on drainage facilities operation and water-related works, and formulated commanding plans in dispatching sewage in certain areas. (Source: Shenzhen Water Group)   

6. Shenzhen Post Office Customs facilitates the customs clearance of goods and materials for epidemic prevention with “accelerated speed”. Shenzhen Post Office Customs has set up special counters and green channels for the goods for epidemic prevention, and provided customs clearance services on a 24/7 basis. It has built a working mechanism of “three Zeros”, namely, “zero distance” in consulting services, “zero space” in the connection of customs and enterprises as well as “zero delay” in customs clearance and delivery. In racing against the time, all efforts are made to ensure that goods and materials for epidemic prevention are cleared in a fast, simple and non-delay manner. To date, Shenzhen Post Office Customs has inspected and cleared over 30,000 batches of goods for epidemic prevention, among which over 10 million are face masks. (Source: Shenzhen Customs) 


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  99. ***前30分钟仍可购票
  100. 市场监管系统专项检查药品储藏