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Admin - admin 于2022年04月19日发表  

1. Wang Weizhong, Secretary of the CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee, stressed that Shenzhen should strive for dual-victory in epidemic prevention and control as well as social-economic development. On February 18, Wang Weizhong, Secretary of the CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee and the Municipal Leadership Group (Headquarters) for the Prevention and Control of NCP. The meeting emphasized that Shenzhen should seize the major historical opportunity brought about by “dual drivers” of the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Pilot Demonstration Area for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, shoulder the responsibility of a “pioneering role model”, and take the lead to emerge from the impact of the epidemic. Shenzhen should resort to all means in lowering the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development, and strive to win both victories in epidemic prevention and control as well as economic and social development.(Source: SZTV)


2. Shenzhen Exit and Entry Administration has opened a special channel for application and a 24-hour hotline for consultation during the epidemic period. To minimize the risk of gathering and contact, from February 17, the Exit and Entry Administration of Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau has introduced a special application channel during the epidemic prevention and control period for foreigners to apply for 14 types of documents in 4 major categories covering work and family members’ residents permit extension, etc. in a completely contact-less manner. A 24-hour consultation hotline with the number 0755-84465490 has also been opened. On top of providing consultations to the Chinese and foreigners on the policies of applying for exit and entry documents, this hotline offers two additional services: taking telephone application appointment for people who meet the requirements to apply via the special channel and responding to epidemic-related help requests for foreigners who have been stranded in Shenzhen. (Source: Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau)


3. The Macao SAR Government will implement new control measures for workers entering from the mainland since February 20. The Macao Special Administrative Region Government announced that, starting from 00:00 on February 20, the Chinese and foreign nationals holding Macao-issued "Identity Certification for Non-local Employees (including workers from the mainland) who have stayed in the mainland 14 days prior to entering Macao are subject to medical observation at designated locations in Zhuhai for 14 days. They are allowed to enter Macao after obtaining a medical certificate issued by the health authorities of Zhuhai, declaring them free of the NCP. (Source: National Immigration Administration)


4. Shopping malls, supermarkets and restaurants among other enterprises have taken "hard-core" epidemic prevention measures.As a large retailing company in the country, RAINBOW has adopted dual prevention and control on both of its stores and employees. In order to safeguard peoples livelihood and increase the frequency of fresh products delivery, logistics and delivery have been working around the clock 24 hours a day to ensure adequate supply. Precaution measures are taken by SUNING and Carrefour both online and offline. Customers’ orders are accepted within a radius of 3 kilometers of all Carrefour stores with all kinds of materials and supplies delivered within one hour. Catering businesses such as fast-food chain McDonalds have also adopted delivery without contact to ensure safety at food collection. (Source: sznews.com)

  深圳商超、餐饮等企业推出“硬核” 防疫措施作为全国大型的零售商家,天虹采取门店、员工双防控。为保障民生,增加生鲜供应配送频次,物流配送24小时不停歇,确保充足供应。苏宁和家乐福线上、线下齐防范,顾客在家乐福门店3公里范围内下单,全品类物资1小时送达。快餐麦当劳等餐饮企业也采用了无接触配送、保障取餐安全。【来源:深圳新闻网】

5. Shenzhen Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau has provided full support to the resumption of production, with 43 projects under construction in Shenzhen resumingoperation. According to the statistics of the Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau, as of 24:00 February 17, 43 projects under construction in the city had resumed work, with 8294 people returning to work, and no abnormality in body temperature, suspected or confirmed cases detected among them. In terms of key projects, the Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau has reviewed and given priority to resuming projects in such fields as epidemic prevention and control, emergencies and disasters relief, urban operation, basic peoples livelihood as well as major activities, and the resumption of key projects will also be further expedited. (Source: Shenzhen Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau)


6. Shenzhen has released a list of 79 catering businesses withdelivery services. In order to ensure the safety of collective dining upon the resumption of work, Shenzhen Municipal Market Supervision and Regulation Bureau has currently coordinated 79 catering enterprises, providing meals with safe ordering channels to entities such as government departments, enterprises, public institutions and social organizations with collective dining needs in Shenzhen. Families or individuals are not eligible to these channels. Entities shall call Shenzhen Cuisine Association with the number of serving needed in advance to place the order. (Source: Shenzhen Municipal Market Supervision and Regulation Bureau)



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  12. 秦安春晚将在天水电视台新闻综合频道播出
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  16. 刘天波指导永清镇樊峡村软弱涣散党组织整顿工作
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  18. 中国人民银行天水市中心支行行政许可信息公示表
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  21. 关于申报2017年甘肃省科协财政厅基层科普行动计划项目的公示
  22. 西峰区四式联动拧紧安全生产监管阀
  23. 庆城县白马铺镇扎实推进农村三
  24. 群众办事百项堵点疏解行动调查问卷
  25. 第十六届庆阳端午香包民俗文化节开幕
  26. 岳池县打好三张牌监督护航促发展
  27. 关于推荐甘肃省千企帮千村精准扶贫行动先进民营企业和商会的公示
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  29. 天水市人民政府政务大厅2021年部门预算公开说明
  30. 清水县召开十四五规划建议征求意见座谈会
  31. 马越垠督导流调溯源核酸检测环境消杀等工作
  32. 政协甘肃省十二届五次会议闭幕
  33. 深刻汲取教训持续抓好河湖长制落实工作
  34. 朱涛在督查西峰城区春节文化活动筹备工作时强调扮靓城区营造氛围增添年味让市民过一个欢乐祥和的春节
  35. 庆阳市生态环境局召开水污染防治项目工作推进会研究部署冬日无闲大抓项目活动
  36. 庆阳市公路路政执法管理工作得到省主管部门表彰
  37. 庆阳市委编办采取四项有力举措全面加强机关作风建设
  38. 亲历亲见亲闻天水市政协向社会各界人士征稿
  39. 张家川东西部扶贫协作牵线搭桥林缘区群众沐浴政策阳光
  40. 2018年全国脱贫攻坚奖特别节目今晚将在央视播出
  41. 加强平台系统安全管理保障项目阳光高效交易
  42. 西峰区着力构建基本公共卫生服务均等化工作体系
  43. 大山里来了洋女婿
  44. 多措并举依法实施——市农业农村局认真贯彻执行中华人民共和国农产品质量安全法甘肃省农产品质量安全条例
  45. 关于暂停前往九寨沟旅游的通知
  46. 聚焦|汇聚奋进新时代开启新征程的磅礴伟力
  47. 庆阳市财政局举办网络安全专题讲座
  48. 中国人大画院副院长王乘来庆举办公益讲座
  49. 清水县2021年工作会议召开
  50. 张永霞王国先调研天水军民合用机场迁建工程
  51. 武山县2017年精准扶贫陇原巧手技能培训圆满完成
  52. 甘谷县大像山文化旅游节文艺演出异彩纷呈
  53. 西峰区开展供热大走访活动提高回水温度保障供暖质量
  54. 西峰区多措并举全力打好扬尘治理攻坚战
  55. 镇原县认真梳理解决群众办事堵点问题切实提高服务效能
  56. 打造乡村旅游扶贫新模式搭建脱贫攻坚大舞台
  57. 庆阳市开展政府投资工程建设及政府采购领域围标串标行为专项整治行动
  58. 西峰区四抓持续改善农村人居环境
  59. 刘天波深入牛头河汤峪河开展巡河工作
  60. 非遗传承人王勇用雕刀刻画人生
  61. 张家川县政府召开第95次常务会议
  62. 马越垠调研秋季农业农村工作
  63. 张家川县委全面深化改革委员会召开第一次会议
  64. 天水供电公司2019年11月份秦州麦积城区停电检修计划
  65. 关于羲皇大道(马跑泉至潘集寨段)道路半幅封闭施工的通告
  66. 政协甘谷县第十三届委员会召开第二次常委会议
  67. 庆阳市委机关党员学习党的十九大精神知识竞赛决赛举行贠建民为获奖单位和个人颁奖
  68. 张家川县安委会召开2019年第二次全体(扩大)会议
  69. 市委第六考核组观摩清水县经济社会发展实绩
  70. 宁县医保局召开全县城乡居民基本医疗保险征缴暨医保重点工作推进会
  71. 天水市生态环境局发布5月份全市环境空气质量排名
  72. 庆阳市委编办采取有力举措认真学习宣传贯彻落实疫情防控工作要求
  73. 清水县举办2017年职业健康管理人员培训班
  74. 马越垠检查草丰路建设工作
  75. 庆阳市着力健全农业社会化服务体系加快推动小农户与现代农业有机衔接
  76. 西峰冬闲人不闲致富忙丰年
  77. 庆城镇凤城园社区成功举办夏季趣味运动会
  78. 正宁县周家镇四项措施全力抓促全域无垃圾专项治理
  79. 新民市第21届荷花旅游文化节水舞秀表演酷炫来袭
  80. 群众办事百项堵点疏解行动调查问卷
  81. 关于对庆阳市2018年天津帮扶资金项目的公示
  82. 王超调研城东污水处理厂建设情况
  83. 甘谷县书画一条街建成运营
  84. 马越垠检查指导疫情防控工作
  85. 省委政法委副书记金祥明在刘堡镇调研脱贫攻坚工作
  86. 张永霞主持召开天水市委全面深化改革委员会第十次会议
  87. 张家川县离退休干部助力脱贫攻坚
  88. 庆阳市政府党组召开2017年度民主生活会
  89. 清水县召开农村安全饮水保障工作安排会
  90. 庆阳市退役军人事务局对2020年全市退役军人重点工作开展督查
  91. 正宁县公开摇号分配保障性住房
  92. 天水市市场监督管理局关于规范网络餐饮服务经营的通告
  93. 张家川镇召开扶贫开发工作省级考评安排部署会
  94. 标题和内容已经清空2022-09-09 05:33:37
  95. 庆阳市审计局采取五项举措贯彻落实全省审计工作会议精神
  96. 镇原扶贫路畅通致富路
  97. 西峰区有机农产品走俏兰洽会
  98. 镇原加快文化旅游产业发展助推经济转型升级
  99. 西峰区全力保障困难群众安全温暖过冬
  100. 民盟