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Admin - admin 于2022年05月01日发表  

1. Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government issued Measures of Shenzhen to Support Enterprises in Overcoming Difficulties Brought by the Pneumonia Epidemic Caused by the Novel Coronavirus.

These measures include: (1) Enhancing services provided to key enterprises in combating the epidemic; (2) Reducing or exempting property rents; (3) Postponing the payment deadline of social insurance fees in accordance with laws and regulations; (4) Lowering the percentage of housing provident fund paid by enterprises; (5) Refunding urban sewage treatment fees to enterprises; (6) Reducing electricity costs of industrial and commercial enterprises; (7) Postponing tax payment deadlines and cutting taxes in accordance with laws and regulations; (8) Helping enterprises to maintain a stable cash flow; (9) Helping enterprises to lower financing costs; (10) Increasing industrial financing support; (11) Further unleashing dividends brought by the “four 100 billion yuan” policy; (12) Stepping up support for the operation of public transport across the city; (13) Beefing up assistance to enterprises in saving jobs; (14) Implementing policies for more flexible employment; (15) Increasing subsidies for enterprise employee skill training; (16) Strengthening export credit insurance service. 【Source: Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government】


2. GDFAO opened 24*7 hotline 1258088 for foreign friends in Guangdong

Starting from the midnight of Feb. 8 of the year 2020, a 24-hour English and Chinese hotline set up by Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office will open to the public. During the period of the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus, foreign nationals in Guangdong Province can call 1258088 for inquiries or assistance at anytime.


3. Deadlines for medical and social insurance fee payment and service application are postponed during the epidemic prevention and control period with benefits of enterprises and residents not being affected.

In addition to promoting online and phone services, Shenzhen Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has also postponed the deadlines for social insurance fee payment and relevant service application. Enterprises that could not pay social insurance fees in time due to the epidemic outbreak are allowed to pay the fees later with no overdue fines charged. Residents and enterprises that are unable to submit social insurance service applications are allowed to submit when the prevention and control period is over, and their benefits will not be affected. Shenzhen Healthcare Security Bureau has also launched similar policies to secure the benefits of residents. Enterprises that could not pay medical insurance fees in time due to the epidemic outbreak are allowed to pay later with no overdue fines charged. Residents who are unable to submit medical insurance service applications or pay medical insurance fees are allowed to submit or pay later. This will not affect their credit record, nor their rights and benefits. 【Sources: Shenzhen Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Shenzhen Healthcare Security Bureau】

疫情期间深圳医保、社保可延期办,不影响相关权益:市社保不仅大力推行社保业务“网上办”、“电话办”,同时实行“延期办”。 一是用人单位无法按时缴纳社保费用的,可延期缴纳,不收滞纳金。二是疫情期间未按时办理社保业务的,允许疫情结束后补办,不影待遇享受。市医保局也精准施策,贡献深圳医疗保障力量。一是允许企业延期缴纳医疗保险费,不收取滞纳金。二是允许医保业务补缴补办,不影响个人权益记录。三是补缴期间待遇保障和权益不受影响。【来源:深圳市社保局、深圳市医保局】

4. 547 trash bins for collecting used masks have been placed in metro stations to prevent secondary contamination.

To standardize the treatment of used masks, Shenzhen Metro has recently placed 547 trash bins specifically used to collect used protective materials such as face masks in more than 200 stations along 7 metro lines. In-station announcements as well as scrolling PIS screens in stations and trains are used to inform riders of disposing used masks in separation in such trash. 【Source: Shenzhen Transportation Bureau】

深圳地铁设置547个废弃口罩专用垃圾桶,防止二次污染:近日深圳地铁对废弃口罩收运处置进行了规范,在所辖7条线路的200多个车站共投放了547个垃圾桶,专门用于回收口罩等各类防护用品。 与此同时,车站广播、站台和列车PIS屏也在滚动播放提醒,积极宣传废弃口罩分类投放的要求。【来源:深圳市交通运输局】

5. The Shenzhen branch of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange issued Kind Reminder on Foreign Exchange Services During the Prevention and Control Period for the Pneumonia Outbreak Caused by the Novel Coronavirus.

Multiple measures, including the combination of Internet and government services featuring online services, as well as contact-less methods such as mail submissions and emails, are advocated so that citizens do not need to leave their houses for foreign exchange services, which ensure both service efficiency and epidemic prevention and control. For those who must go to the counters for certain services, contact-less methods are adopted to effectively reduce the risk of cross-infection. 【Source: State Administration of Foreign Exchange, Shenzhen Branch】


6. Shenzhen Customs has set up express clearance channels for imported epidemic prevention and control goods.

Goods such as masks and gloves are what citizens are in urgent need of for the prevention and control of the epidemic. As supply in China remains tight, many have chosen to order these materials online from other countries and regions. By Jan. 31, Shenzhen Customs has provided express clearance service to more than 3,400 batches of epidemic prevention control goods totaling 765,000 packages. These goods, mainly masks, liquid soaps, disinfectants, goggles and gloves, have helped ease the shortage in supply of epidemic prevention and control goods. 【Source: Shenzhen Customs】



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  1. 石阡皮贵怀主持召开2017年度经济运行分析会
  2. 农工党广州市委会到大方县开展乡村振兴调研暨帮扶活动座谈会
  3. 我市隆重举行纪念改革开放30周年大会
  4. ***发消费政策红包将大力发展消费信贷
  5. 我市启动旧灯换新灯星空送光明大型公益活动
  6. 中共铜仁市文体广电旅游局党组召开不忘初心牢记使命主题教育对照党章党规找差距专题会议
  7. 铜仁市人社局强化服务引人才
  8. 市十六届人大常委会举行第二十六次常委会会议
  9. 6月8日起我国对入境航班实施奖励和熔断措施
  10. 加强车辆管理市体育局重实效
  11. 明山区东兴街道办事处长青社区举办促就业保民生招聘会
  12. 铜仁市商务局召开全市商务系统党的十九届四中全会精神宣讲报告会
  13. 大方县东关乡四强化扎实开展农村低保入户核查
  14. 多彩贵州砥砺奋进铜仁奋力绘就一区五地新蓝图
  15. 大方县党史学习教育工作调度会暨宣传工作业务培训会召开
  16. 市城市管理和综合执法局召开强基础转作风树形象打造人民满意城管三年
  17. 机制创新赋能昆明乡村振兴
  18. 市物价局认真开展管道天然气入户调查和征求意见工作
  19. 我市大学习大讨论宣讲活动接地气聚人心
  20. 市房管中心认真学习贯彻市委八届十次全会经济工作会议扶贫开发工作会议精神
  21. 全市项目攻坚年专题会召开
  22. 印江奏响脱贫攻坚暖冬行动四部曲
  23. 鹤壁、洛阳两市环保局联合开展移动放射源辐射安全检查
  24. 我市积极组团参加第十三届农交会
  25. 2015年鹤壁市庆双节老年人健身月活动启动
  26. 印江梵净山翠峰茶地理标志产品保护示范区通过省级评审验收
  27. 青岛市采取措施保障粮食生产安全
  28. 项目施工不停歇集中供热有保障
  29. 市商务局积极融入一带一路助力俄罗斯境外园区向好发展
  30. 市政府向市人大征求2020年政府工作报告意见
  31. 汝南县城管局开展城乡支部手拉手巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果主题党日活动
  32. 铜仁4N专项监察确保扶贫资金安全
  33. 天河医生与一支带不走的医疗队
  34. 沿河整合4000万元推进村级组织活动场所标准化建设
  35. 标题和内容已经清空2022-09-07 04:55:26
  36. 市公积金管理中心传达学习铜仁市干部执行力问责办法试行文件精神
  37. 本溪市各县区环境空气质量日报
  38. 提高协同性促工作效率提升——储备中心开展专题三述活动
  39. 乡村休闲游逐成鹤壁旅游新热点
  40. 桓仁县推进林长制建设保护青山绿水
  41. 全市脱贫攻坚春季攻势行动暨六绿攻坚推进大会召开
  42. 铜仁市科技局树立大科技理念
  43. 微电影慧眼在清苑区首映
  44. 市政府向市人大汇报工作征求十四五规划纲要意见
  45. 全市交通运输系统安全生产工作会召开
  46. 记石阡县留守媳妇肖飞
  47. 市政协召开十三届十三次常委会议
  48. 全市统战部长会议召开
  49. 舒兰市公安局白旗派出所深入部署今冬明春火灾防控工作
  50. 精耕细作结硕果
  51. 我市清理整治146条河道6条河流正在补水中
  52. 万山绿色转身以旅致富
  53. 游劲松到大方县经济开发区调研
  54. 铜仁市促进科技成果转移转化改革方案
  55. 中共大方县委财经委员会会议召开
  56. 本溪供电公司排查治理输配电力线路确保沈丹客专安全运行
  57. 近期本溪市蔬菜价格呈上涨态势
  58. 石阡县2018年拟公开引进44名高层次及急需紧缺人才
  59. 廊坊市人民政协理论研究会成立
  60. 世界智能城市评审团主席约翰荣格将出席APEC高端会议
  61. 爱在那片深山——易县妇联精准脱贫工作组扶贫侧记
  62. 2021年毕节市送文化下乡百场演艺工程暨党的十九届六中全会精神文艺演讲走进大方县安乐乡
  63. 鹤壁市邮政管理局多项举措加强财务制度建设
  64. 我市10个备选省级工业聚集区接受复查
  65. 市应对疫情工作领导小组召开视频调度会强调切实增强风险防范意识持续抓牢常态化疫情防控
  66. 博野县教育和体育局停课不停学、停课不停教、停课不停育全面做好疫情防控期间教育教学工作
  67. 桓仁县再度获得中国民间文化艺术之乡殊荣
  68. 铜仁全市公安局长会议召开部署2013年工作
  69. 市外事办召开党组书记抓基层党建述职工作会议
  70. 我市400余家医疗卫生机构实现卫生专网全覆盖
  71. ​昌邑区委书记安丰广检查高考准备工作
  72. 易县文体办三注重为青少年营造良好的文化环境
  73. 贵州省大方县人民医院在线考试系统询价公告
  74. 市司法局召开庆祝八一建军节座谈会
  75. 大方县土地矿权征收储备交易局关于选择2019DFJZ142号等7个地块评估单位的公告的补充公告
  76. 全市2016年度计划生育家庭三项扶助工作开始个人申请
  77. 本溪供电公司成立三创集结号青创团队
  78. 民生银行保定分行揭牌暨政银战略签约举行
  79. 泌阳县产业集聚区参加统计业务培训会
  80. 鹤壁市邮政管理局积极参加市交通运输局2016年工作会议
  81. 铜仁市民政局举行不忘初心、牢记使命主题教育先进典型事迹学习会
  82. 大方县党史学习教育领导小组办公室到红旗办事处城北社区老旧小区改造项目开展志愿活动
  83. 省老年人体育协会主席靳克文到鹤调研老年健身场地建设
  84. 中原银行一湾活水助力小微企业扬帆远航
  85. 屋顶生财地里生金——淇县北阳镇青羊口村的脱贫之道
  86. 市政协副主席龙海一行赴马蹄河巡河
  87. 我市举办金坑骑行运动基地测试赛
  88. 文明牛场我们在行动
  89. 确山县水利局召开疫情防控工作推进会
  90. 市体育局落实党风廉政建设责任制推进惩防体系建设
  91. 市司法局制定出台干部荣誉退休实施办法
  92. 市人大常委会党组中心组学习会召开
  93. 吴光炯全国名中医传承工作室工作站签约仪式在大方县举行
  94. 大龙开发区召开脱贫攻坚工作推进会
  95. 大方县2021年上半年经济运行调度会召开
  96. 市住建局迎七一开展不忘初心铸党魂主题党日活动
  97. 第28届中华杯A组足球赛在我市举行
  98. 省领导来溪调研新高考改革工作
  99. 叶檀你盯着别人利息时小心别人盯着你的本金
  100. 铜仁市林业局机关党支部到联建党支部开展庆祝建党96周年纪念活动