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Admin - admin 于2022年05月01日发表  

1. Shenzhen "rewards" emergency scientific research on novel coronavirus pneumonia with up to 100 million RMB Yuan for projects. Recently, the Shenzhen Municipal Science,Technology and Innovation Commission issued a work program in the form of "reward mechanism" to incentivize emergency research projects on "emergent prevention and control of novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic". The work program aims to deploy faster and better scientific results to combat the epidemic in Shenzhen so as to prevent the epidemic in a scientific manner. The reward is given based on the specific products and their effects, not solely on the research paper published. Support will be given to joint projects by industries, universities and research institutes and funding will be provided to premium projects. [Source: Shenzhen Municipal Science, Technology and Innovation Commission]

1. 深圳“悬赏”新冠肺炎应急科研攻关,项目可获亿元级奖励:近日,深圳市科技创新委员会发布了以“悬赏制”方式组织开展“新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情应急防治”应急科研攻关项目的工作方案,以期深圳能尽快尽好地推出抗击疫情的科技成果,实现科学防疫。悬赏标的以产品和实际效用为导向,不唯论文;支持产学研用合作攻关;择优予以经费支持。【来源:深圳市科创委】

2. A company in Shenzhen has developed the world’s first chemiluminescence reagent to detect novel coronavirus. Shenzhen New Industries Biomedical Engineering Co., Ltd. has developed a novel coronavirus antibody detection kit by means of chemiluminescence immunoassay. At present, after preliminary testing, the detection rate reached 85.2%. The detection reagent of chemiluminescence immunoassay method is complementary to the current CT and nucleic acid detection. It enables large-scale quick screening of patients with mild symptoms, suspected patients and close contacts in a short period of time, cutting the cost by 2/3. [Source: Pingshan Release]

2. 深圳一家公司研发出全球首款新冠病毒发光检测试剂:深圳市新产业生物医学工程股份有限公司采用化学发光免疫分析法研制出新型冠状病毒抗体检测试剂盒,目前经过初步测试,检出率达到85.2%。本次采取化学发光免疫分析法研发的检测试剂,和目前CT、核酸检测形成互补,可以在较短时间内迅速对轻症患者、疑似患者和密切接触者进行大规模排查,而且成本大概降低三分之二左右。【来源:坪山发布】

3. Shenzhen deploys "in the air" code-scanning for registration to enter the city. With the increase of vehicles and people returning to Shenzhen, the city began to deploy online vehicle reporting and registration from February 8. In order to improve the efficiency of reporting, drones equipped with megaphones and hanging QR codes have become good helpers to staff in the front line. The police operated the drone to hover above the lines of vehicle, and broadcast through megaphones, reminding the drivers and passengers to scan the code for registration, which reduced people-to-people contact and improved the efficiency. [Source: Shenzhen Release]

3. 深圳推行“空中”扫码登记进城:随着返深车辆和人员的增加,深圳从2月8日开始启用线上车辆申报登记。为提高申报效率,搭载喊话器、悬挂申报二维码的无人机成为防疫一线工作人员的得力助手。民警操作无人机在车辆队伍中穿梭,并通过喊话器提醒驾乘人员扫码登记,减少人员接触的同时提高了效率。【来源:深圳发布】

4. Shenzhen Municipal Healthcare and Security Bureau issued another 5 policies on combating the epidemic. Clinical screening for NCP is now covered by healthcare insurance. Recently, Shenzhen Municipal Healthcare and Security Bureau, together with the Municipal Finance Bureau and the Municipal Health Commission, issued the Circular on Stepping up Efforts in the Medical Security of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP) Epidemic, further improving medical security policies for the NCP patients. Expenses for nucleic acid testing, chest CT among other screening methods will be covered by medical insurance schemes. Suspected and confirmed NCP patients with healthcare insurance do not have to pay for all the treatment costs out of their pocket [Source: Shenzhen Municipal Healthcare and Security Bureau]

4. 深圳市医保局再发“战疫”5条,门诊筛查无需个人“掏腰包”:近日,深圳市医保局联合市财政局、市卫生健康委印发《关于加大力度做好新冠肺炎疫情医疗保障工作的通知》,进一步完善新冠肺炎患者医疗保障政策,核酸检测、胸部CT等筛查费用纳入医保支付,确保确认疑似和确诊新冠肺炎参保患者所有救治费用个人无需负担。【来源:深圳市医保局】

5. Shenzhen promotes shared bicycle discounts for all citizens, and free of charge for front line staff during the epidemic. In the face of the epidemic, Shenzhen citizens are encouraged to reduce the use of large-capacity means of transportation, in order to lower the risk of mass gathering and the spread of the epidemic. The Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau has cooperated with bicycle-sharing enterprises in Shenzhen to assist the citizens’ medium and short distances trips during the epidemic. Staff will carry out incessant and round-the-clock disinfection for bicycles, to ensure 100% sterilization and disinfection, while ramping up the frequency of disinfection for bicycles on the road. Meituan Bike and Hello-Bike has offered discounts on monthly and quarterly cards for Shenzhen users in February. For the front-line staff fighting against the epidemic, bicycle cards will be provided free of charge, with no upper limit for use. [Source: Shenzhen Transportation Bureau]

5. 疫情当前,深圳人骑共享单车打折,一线人员免费:疫情当前,鼓励深圳市民减少乘坐大容量交通工具,减少人员聚集和疫情传播风险。深圳市交通运输局已经和深圳的共享单车企业展开合作,在疫情期间,强势助力深圳人的中、短距离出行。工作人员将全天候、不间断消毒,做到投放车辆保障100%消杀,同时加强路面车辆消毒频次。美团单车、哈啰单车在2月针对深圳用户提供月卡和季卡优惠。面向奋战在抗疫一线工作人员,将无偿提供单车骑行卡,且不设需求上限。【来源:深圳市交通运输局】

6. The National Health Commission published dietary guide for the prevention and treatment of NCP. For the general public, a diversified variety of foods are recommended, mainly cereals. Cereals and potatoes(and sweet potatoes), vegetables and fruits, livestock, poultry, fish, eggs and milk, soybean, nuts among others shall be included in daily diet. Eat more dark-colored fruits and vegetables, fresh fruits instead of juice, and eat more bean products and milk, especially yogurt. Eat the right amount of fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat, eat less fat, smoked or pickled meat products. Firmly avoid the consumption of wild animals. Cook with less salt and less oil, control the intake of sugar and alcohol. Do not overeat and avoid sedentary lifestyle. Separate meals and the use of public chopsticks are recommended. Raw food and cooked one should be separated when preparing, and cooked food should be heated thoroughly when reheating. [Source: National Health Commission]

6. 卫健委发布防治新冠肺炎饮食指南:对于一般人群,建议食物多样,谷类为主。每天的膳食应有谷薯类、蔬菜水果类、畜禽鱼蛋奶类、大豆坚果类等,多吃深色蔬果、不以果汁代替鲜果,多吃豆制品、奶类,特别是酸奶。适量吃鱼、禽、蛋、瘦肉,少吃肥肉、烟熏和腌制肉制品。坚决杜绝食用野生动物。少盐少油,控糖限酒;不暴饮暴食,减少久坐时间。提倡分餐和使用公筷,食物制备生熟分开、熟食二次加热要热透。【来源:国家卫健委】


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  1.  南京市政府办公厅关于转发市规划局南京市控制性详细规划执行与调整规定的通知
  2. 鼓楼区幕府山街道公共外环境除四害市场化服务服务招标公告
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  4.  市政府办公厅转发市计委关于南京市市级储备粮管理实施细则的通知
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  6.  南京市秦淮区发展和改革局2018年度部门决算公开
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  8.  市政府办公厅关于印发全市镇(街道)便民服务中心规范化建设实施方案的通知
  9.  市政府办公厅转发省政府办公厅关于印发江苏省突发事件应急预案管理办法的通知的通知
  10.  市政府关于大力培育新型农业经营主体的意见
  11. 马鞍山绿动马钢智造未来
  12. 市人大常委会副主任区委书记张一新调研街道创新发展工作
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  20. 湖南路街道工作人员招聘公示
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  28.  市政府办公厅关于调整市房改领导小组成员的通知
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  30.  市政府关于成立南京市优秀近现代建筑保护和利用领导小组的通知
  31.  市政府办公厅关于印发南京市政务信息工作暂行办法的通知
  32.  市政府办公厅关于转发市发改委市劳动和社会保障局投资项目就业评估工作意见的通知
  33.  重大行政处罚备案审查准予备案通知书
  34.  市政府办公厅转发市工商局关于开办企业限期办结实施方案的通知
  35.  市政府关于加强农村留守儿童关爱保护工作的实施意见
  36.  关于做好2015年春节运输工作的通知
  37.  市政府办公厅转发市水利局等部门关于加强镇街水利(务)站建设的意见的通知
  38.  2020年10月20日建邺区环保局受理建设项目环评文件情况公示
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  40.  市政府办公厅关于调整市城区防汛指挥部成员的通知
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  44. 标题和内容已经清空2022-09-12 01:16:45
  45. 标题和内容已经清空20220927020428
  46.  莫愁湖街道关工委开展校外辅导站调研工作
  47. 关于暂停部分苏康码转码服务渠道的公告
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  49. 鼓楼区人民政府华侨路街道办事处高家酒馆停车场共享公告
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  52. 前三季徽商回归投资逾450亿元
  53.  市政府关于印发南京市政府质量奖评定管理办法的通知
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  57.  市政府关于成立2013年世界屋顶绿化大会南京组委会的通知
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  59. 工业经济运行稳定向好
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  68.  溧水区人民政府征收土地方案公告
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  73.  市政府关于成立市农村信用合作联社改革重组推进工作领导小组的通知
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  75.  市政府办公厅关于印发南京市乡村教师支持计划(2016—2020年)的通知
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  77. 关于国企集团招聘的公示
  78.  市政府办公厅转发市规划局关于明确修改后的〈南京市城市规划条例实施细则〉执行中相关问题的意见的通知
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  80.  市政府办公厅关于转发市国土资源局南京市2006年度地质灾害防治方案的通知
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  83.  市政府关于成立南京市政府质量奖评定委员会的通知
  84. 标题和内容已经清空2022-09-09 11:50:11
  85.  市政府办公厅关于印发南京市2016—2017年度政府采购目录政府购买服务目录的通知
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  90.  市政府办公厅关于印发南京市外地驻宁机构管理办法的通知
  91. 标题和内容已经清空2023-04-07 03:46:07
  92.  市政府关于吕连生同志任职的通知
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  94.  南京市公安局保障和服务民营企业十二项措施解读
  95. 标题和内容已经清空20220927020428
  96.  市政府关于印发南京市城市规划编制管理暂行规定的通知
  97. 南京市鼓楼区十四五时期城乡低效用地调查入库项目招标公告
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  99. 幕府山街道第四届微公益项目招标公告
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