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Admin - admin 于2022年04月17日发表  


  Bao’an District has entered into a new development stage of constructing “Coastal Bao’an, Famous Industry City, and Dynamic Region”. It will be an important part in Shenzhen City taking part in the competition of Pearl River Delta with other cities, with its favorable geographical location linking gold corridor of Guangdong and Hong Kong, and backbone heartland of Pearl River Delta.


  As the northwest gateway of Bao’an District, Shajing Sub-district is located in the freshwater outfall of Pearl River to the sea. With its advantageous location and the cultivation techniques accumulated for hundreds of years by the oyster farmers, big and delicious “Shajing Oysters” are cultivated there. Nowadays, “Shajing Oysters” have been a famous cultural name card for Shenzhen, as well as a well-known national brand home and abroad, which have formed a unique “Oyster Culture” and make Shajing named as “land of Oyster”. Since 2004, Shajing Sub-district has held “Golden Oyster Festival” for many times which have been upgraded as a Guangdong provincial tourism and culture festival from 2007 and helps exhibit “the Oyster Culture” to people more widely. Besides “the Oyster Culture”, there are also many other intangible cultural resources, such as the ancestral culture, family school culture, and well culture, etc. Therefore, Shajing is a historical place with rich intangible cultural resources.


  As the cultural center of Shajing, West Shajing Central Area and East Waterlands Resort Area, with Shajing Street and Xinxu Street passing through, and where a large number of historical relics and styled architectures distributed, are the key areas for Bao’an to build a local cultural name card. But the surroundings, mainly urban villages and old industrial zones, are characterized by poor qualities of space, low public services capacities, and poor functions which need to be improved urgently. In order to bring the function of Shajing as a characteristic local cultural name card into play, it is going to start the functional improvement and urban transformation of West Shajing Central Area and East Waterlands Resort Area with the planning and construction of Shajing Golden Oyster Food Culture Town as the positioning, according to the instruction of Bao’an District Committee and Government.


  According to the work plan of Bao’an District Committee and Government, the Public Consultation on the Planning and Design for Shajing Golden Oyster Food Culture Town, Bao’an District, Shenzhen is held jointly by Bao’an Administration of Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality and Shajing Sub-district Office, and globally welcome those design firms with rich practice experience in urban planning to take part in.


  Design firms or consortiums who are interested in this Public Consultation, please fill out the Application Form of the Public Consultation on the Planning and Design of Shajing Golden Oyster Food Culture Town, Bao’an District, Shenzhen (See Appendix 1 for details), and apply for it by submitting the commercial application documents and concept proposal with reference to the Working Rules of the Public Consultation on the Planning and Design of Shajing Golden Oyster Food Culture Town, Bao’an District, Shenzhen (See Appendix 2 for details) before 17:00, September 8, 2016 (Beijing Time). For more information, please visit the following websites:








  Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality (http://www.szpl.gov.cn)

  Bao’an District Government (http://www.baoan.gov.cn)

  Shenzhen Urban Design Center (http://www.szdesigncenter.org)

  ABBS (http://www.abbs.com.cn)

  China Sourcing and Bidding (http://www.chinabidding.com.cn)

  China Bidding (http://www.bidchance.com/)

  China Construction Bidding (http://www.jszhaobiao.com/)


  We sincerely look forward to your participation and support!

  ***:1. 《深圳市宝安区沙井金蚝美食文化小镇规划设计公开咨询报名表》

  2. 《深圳市宝安区沙井金蚝美食文化小镇规划设计公开咨询工作规则》

  3. 《深圳市宝安区沙井金蚝美食文化小镇规划设计公开咨询技术任务书》

  4. 《深圳市宝安区沙井金蚝美食文化小镇规划设计公开咨询联合体协议

  Appendix: 1. Application Form of the Public Consultation on the Planning and Design of Shajing Golden Oyster Food Culture Town, Bao’an District, Shenzhen

  2. Working Rules of the Public Consultation on the Planning and Design of Shajing Golden Oyster Food Culture Town, Bao’an District, Shenzhen

  3. Design Brief of the Public Consultation on the Planning and Design of Shajing Golden Oyster Food Culture Town, Bao’an District, Shenzhen

  4. Consortium Agreement of the Public Consultation on the Planning and Design of Shajing Golden Oyster Food Culture Town, Bao’an District, Shenzhen




  Bao’an Administration of Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality

  Shajing Sub-district Office of Bao’an District, Shenzhen

  August 12, 2016

  联系人: 黄女士 手机:+86 185 8845 8582(技术部分)

  赖女士 手机:+86 135 3067 0439(商务部分)

  传真:+86 755 82909299 电子邮箱:XXSJ@benecus.com

  Contact: Ms. Huang Mob: +86 185 8845 8582 (for Technical Inquiries)

  Ms. Lai Mob: +86 135 3067 0439 (for Commercial Inquiries)

  Fax: +86 755 82909299 Email: XXSJ@benecus.com


***1:《深圳市宝安区沙井金蚝美食文化小镇规划设计公开咨询》报名表-Application Form.doc


***2:《深圳市宝安区沙井金蚝美食文化小镇规划设计公开咨询》工作规则-Working Rules.pdf


***3:《深圳市宝安区沙井金蚝美食文化小镇规划设计公开咨询》技术任务书-Design Brief.pdf


***4:《深圳市宝安区沙井金蚝美食文化小镇规划设计公开咨询》联合体协议-Agreement of Consortium.doc



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  1. 昆明市副市长王春燕29日接听市长热线
  2. 青岛西海岸新区全面开展百千万大走访活动
  3. 市农委全面落实一次办好进一步激发乡村振兴新活力
  4. 昆明柴石滩水库保护办法30日听证
  5. 市扶贫办开展扶贫物资核查工作
  6. 同步课堂项目进入建设与应用并行推进期
  7. 青岛旅游学校学生获上合峰会志愿服务证书
  8. 宁国市三大提升打造平安中国建设示范县
  9. 即墨资本市场分论坛亮相省金博会
  10. 桃江县启动儿童保健服务合格县创建工作
  11. 李沧区湾头社区保障性住房项目配建幼儿园进入竣工收尾阶段
  12. 王益王益区秋冬季大气污染治理攻坚战取得开门红
  13. 杨辛艺术馆开馆
  14. 一季度定海区省市重点项目建设实现开门红
  15. 宁阳52项城建工程坚固发展硬底盘
  16. 海棠社区获批全省首批低碳试点社区
  17. 市卫生计生局调研岱山县发热伴血小板减少综合征防控工作
  18. 前三季度我市GDP增长112
  19. 我市获省最严格水资源管理制度考核优秀等级
  20. 全国道德模范和身边
  21. 201李沧区实现充电服务全覆盖提升城市低碳形象与城市品位
  22. 市教育局召开职业院校校长座谈会
  23. 昆明与北京文投签合作协议金幼和出席
  24. 青岛一中举行新学期第一次党员大会暨新时代教育目标任务主题党课
  25. 市水务局迅速传达学习市委十二届七次全会精神
  26. 平度市全民健身活动提升体育惠民新高度
  27. 昆明专项清理记满分驾照逾期司机涉及14425人
  28. 我市2019年(下)全国英语等级考试顺利结束
  29. 官渡区多措并举促进党代表履职常态化
  30. 我市危险货物港口企业开展第三方安全体检
  31. 昆明市防治艾滋病工作委员会全体(扩大)会议召开
  32. 一季度云南城乡居民可支配收入同比增长逾一成
  33. 肥城市开展美好家庭创建活动
  34. 肥城企业多措创新迸发转型活力
  35. 市领导调研包保重点工作和课题
  36. 市场监管多级联动合力开展新区六小门店创文工作
  37. 程连元率队调研卫生工作
  38. 定海区开展春节后流动人口返城状况抽样调查活动
  39. 市领导深入部分企业进行调研
  40. 市北组合拳整治南山市场
  41. 昆明公交新规不让行人公交司机最高罚200或开除
  42. 五一首日泰安旅游安全有序
  43. 李奉利到尚美生活集团调研
  44. 标题和内容已经清空2023-04-07 03:46:41
  45. 统一规划分步实施聚力突破新城区开发建设
  46. 省市10部门参加义务植树活动
  47. 青岛九中举行青岛教育科学十三五规划课题开题仪式
  48. 泾县减出教育获得感
  49. 即墨区国土资源执法监管政策宣讲会议在即墨宾馆召开
  50. 我市召开创建全国文明城市居民小区环境专项整治暨老旧住宅小区改造工作攻坚推进会
  51. 莱西市全市开展大学习、大调研、大改进工作会议召开
  52. 岱岳区严字当头督导教育实践活动
  53. 市政协机关组织开展党日活动
  54. 市统计局组织党员干部参观反腐倡廉教育基地
  55. 中央宣讲团来滇宣讲十八届五中全会精神
  56. 崔洪刚就全市信访工作作出批示
  57. 省人大常委会检查昆明一法一条例施行情况
  58. 即墨市5600万元支农贷款发放养殖户
  59. 山东省第四生态环境保护督察组向泰安市反馈督察情况
  60. 市北区代表队参加2016年全国健身气功站点联赛北部赛区
  61. 王喜良会见泰国帕塔拉国际集团首席运营官
  62. 郎溪县政务公开织牢校园防溺水安全网
  63. 市南区教体局召开传染病防控工作培训部署会
  64. 我市召开治水办(河长办)主任会议
  65. 2018年李沧区将开办7所新建幼儿园
  66. 岱岳区全力以赴做足防汛准备
  67. 我市社会治安冬春季攻势首战告捷
  68. 昆明明年实现三级政府法律顾问全覆盖
  69. 市大通湖水环境治理工作组进驻大通湖
  70. 市强戒所开展警体训练提高戒毒警察身体素质
  71. 舟山口岸进口货物通关效率走在全国前列
  72. 昆明市十三五教育发展规划听证会19日举行
  73. 昆明授予17位美国二战老兵及遗属荣誉市民称号
  74. 市城乡建设委各部门认真落实全市安全生产工作会议精神
  75. 即墨区投入6180万元建设206处同步录播课堂
  76. 我市清明假日旅游接待总人数超51万人次
  77. 中国工程院院士来新区考察
  78. 昆明市违法建筑处置办法6日听证
  79. 两会市政协四届三次会议举行分组讨论
  80. 市政协调研滇池流域面山五采区治理工作
  81. 东亚商品展在新区开幕
  82. 我市企业开办网报率名列全省前茅
  83. 盘龙法院全国首推悬赏金保险
  84. 我市召开第十六个614世界献血者日座谈会
  85. 寻甸县凤合镇脱贫攻坚帮村帮户帮扶工作落实推进会召开
  86. 东平县移民局改善库区生活环境移民致富难题
  87. 副市长毛知兵慰问一线电力职工
  88. 肥城低效用地二次开发巧生金
  89. 城阳区首届创客大赛拉开帷幕
  90. 营造抓产业抓项目抓发展的良好氛围全力以赴完成项目建设全年目标任务
  91. 岱山县加快推进乡镇公共财政服务平台+一卡通建设
  92. 即墨市开展三严三实专题教育第三专题集中研讨
  93. 定海区水路货运船舶安全专项整治工作推进会举行
  94. 白崇军到市科技局宣讲党的十九届四中全会精神
  95. 省弘扬雷锋精神宣讲会到我市
  96. 一季度我市税收实现两位数增长目标
  97. 我市一企业获得果蔬食品行业最高荣誉
  98. 我市召开现场会部署推进农村集体资产清产核资工作
  99. 万吨级小麦糊粉层产业化示范基地在泰投产
  100. 民盟益阳市委主委邓曙光拜访资阳区统战部领导