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Admin - admin 于2022年03月08日发表  








我必须承认,在共同庆祝新年之后,为我返回西安的决定我们有过激烈的争执。“这与您习惯的不同。人们不会在山区和市场周围闲逛。 看看武汉的那些病房,病人像生产线一样轮流进出,也没有已知的治疗方法。”









由于没有时间去购物,到隔离结束时,所有的鸡蛋,牛奶,黄油,糙米,面粉和小扁豆都吃光了。冰箱里剩有半个红洋葱,一个西红柿,些许西兰花和几汤匙的自制泡菜。 从乐观角度来说,橱柜里至少还有能吃三周的谷物和干木耳。





There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.  Some men, like bats or owls, have better eyes for the darkness than for the light.  We, who have no such optical powers, are better pleased to take our last parting look at the visionary companions of many solitary hours, when the brief sunshine of the world is blazing full upon them.

The closing section of The Pickwick Papers has been a fixture of my spring term syllabus for more years than I care to or even dare imagine. When friends ask me how come you never tire of teaching the same literary texts again and again? my answer is simple: The words on the page may remain the same but the students and the context change every single time.

This statement has never rung truer than in the present semester. With a cup of Puer tea in my left hand and my mobile phone in the right I leaned against the safety railings on the balcony. We are probably thinking the same thing? I typed into my QQ classroom. After so long being cooped up doesnt the blossom look far prettier this spring? Dickens optimistic sentiments took on fresh potency when we the self-isolated looked with longing at the splendour lurking in our courtyards.

Six months or more ago nobody conceived that coronavirus - a name then unknown beyond the clinical circle - would so profoundly alter our lives and working routines.

Teaching courses online, with its mixture of physical distance and quickfire response, yanked my professional activities into almost the same gear as my family life. Since my mother was advised to stay at home and receive no visitors from the end of March onwards, my sister and I made her promise that she e-mail each day to reassure us about her well being. Living alone with her cat for company in a spacious plot in the English countryside placed her in an advantageous position, at least when compared to the occupants of poky ill-ventilated flats and cramped urban terraces. Before very long, it dawned on me that she probably cherished this as an opportunity. Born a year and a half after the end of World War II, the ongoing rationing of meat and bread and sugar during her primary school years left her largely inured to the charms processed food and without a sweet tooth in her head. Giving over some of the flowerbeds to vegetables lest the online delivery service stall and dusting off my fathers old hoes must have revived her faith in georgic toil. What is more, the media at every level had all of a sudden become vigilant as to potential breaches of the lockdown rules. Excoriating words were meted out at violators caught in the act - be they fly-tippers, back garden barbecue hosts or motorists who went the extra mile reconnoitering cheap booze. Where once she alone had cast a Savoranolaean stare through the crack in the net curtains at her lager-swilling, Indian takeaway-addicted young neighbours the whole country was now similarly on the alert.

I must admit that we had rowed fiercely about my decision to return to Xian after celebrating New Year together. It wont be the same as you are used to. Theyll be none of that gadding about up mountains and around markets. Look at all those wards in Wuhan - patients being wheeled in and out like a production line and theres no known cure.

The reality was that throughout January and early February the virus was widely seen as a Chinese problem by people in Britain. For weeks the total number of cases on home soil stood steady at nine with no fatalities. Only when I visited Sheffield to attend the Spring Festival Gala at city hall did I notice anyone taking precautions against a large-scale domestic outbreak. Suffice to say these were mostly students and invariably Chinese. In the university quarter pharmacists affixed notices to their doors indicating whether or not face masks were in stock. Try to purchase the same protective gear online and the retailers would slam a 40 or 50 pound surcharge for express postage on goods worth barely ten per cent of that amount.

The first flight from Heathrow had to be aborted. Not only did the authorities in Xian announce an embargo on foreign nationals entering the city on that very day, but gale-force winds grounded the entire London air fleet. Nonplussed, I stalked my way from Kings Cross to Russell Square via Bloomsbury Square and bedded down in a budget hotel replete with clattering counterpane.   

Not a hint of the preceding tumult was evident on the still clear morning that followed. My resolve was sealed - I ought to aim to fly back once foreign entry rights have been restored and as soon as Changan District reopens its borders. After all, how long would it be before coronavirus invaded these shores? Health checks were not being conducted on the hundreds of passengers jetting in daily from Europe. Once one country on the continent suffered an outbreak there would be no means of containment. And then not just single epicentre, as in Wuhan, but cases springing up in every city and scattered corner of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The ensuing fortnight wore on with schemes being hatched and rapidly shelved. With little perspicacity my friend in the travel industry suggested avoiding transferring flights in Mainland China for fear I was compelled to quarantine in the city of arrival. Briefly he regaled me with the thought of a night in Seoul - kimchi and fish soup atop a skyscraper with neon lights flickering across the horizon. That was literally a day or two before the news broke of the Shincheonji sect and its suspected role in contaminating thousands of adherents and their families.

A few phone calls to Beijing confirmed that my passage to Xian would face no obstacles, providing each rule was obeyed and a mask worn at every minute of the day. Travelling as I was with an almost entirely Chinese contingent, the atmosphere on board was subdued. There was none of the anxiety of fleeing disaster, nor the excitement of impending reunion. Strangers faces prove more inscrutable than usual when one has to read the eyes and brow without a mouth for assistance. I suppose, like me, most people hoped to glide straight-spined through customs and immigration without being hauled over by staff or queried on any detail.

And so it was, after setting up an erwaima and a forty-minute ride in a polythene-lined taxi, I reached my apartment just outside Guodu township. The next few days were agitating since jet-lag does not attenuate swiftly when one is deprived of natural light. On the fifth day there was a moment of eureka as the county authorities announced that UK nationals were considered a low-level risk. This meant being free to walk to the office and assist colleagues in the translation of a manual on preventing COVID-19.

After the claustrophobia of the apartment which was not alleviated much by copious coils of jasmine incense, the freedom to tramp face-masked about the empty campus felt surreal. Unless there were a nuclear emergency in the future we would never be likely to see a residential precinct of China so denuded of people. It wasnt to last. Online infection figures and casualties back home were creeping up and the impact was soon exponential.

Quite out of the blue, two days into the term-time proper four colleagues simultaneously made contact, notifying me that I was now a Category Red risk. There are three days until your half-month quarantine will end. Zuomin will come and seal you in. A guard will be placed outside the door to ensure nothing and nobody passes in or out. The front door was duly secured with the same adhesive strips used on the entrance to the departmental office and archive during vacations. It was as though contrary to being a public health threat I was some precious commodity that could only be released on the behest of a higher authority.

Having not had time to shop beforehand, supplies dwindled so that by the end of day two all eggs, milk, butter, brown rice, flour and lentils were spent. The fridge contained half a red onion, one tomato, a serviceable cauliflower stalk and several tablespoonfuls of home-fermented kimchi. To look on the bright side, the cupboards had at least three weeks worth of grain and dried tree ear mushrooms.

With the benefit of three months hindsight, my personal corona experience was ultimately benign. However, even the mildest adversity can be a spur. Within days of my final release I was at last making headway with my next project - an account of the Siege of Xian in 1926 from the perspective of the British residents trapped inside the city walls. For almost 200 days (228 if preliminary skirmishes are factored in) the Henan Warlord Liu Zhenhua mercilessly encircled the ancient capital, resulting in tens of thousands of civilian deaths. It is hard to portray these events as anything save for a human tragedy, but the words of the survivors can still teach us a great deal about the power of resilience. One passage by an English teacher is oddly memorable:-    

I often look on the mass of the mountains as on a clear evening they stand out to the south of the city reminding us of the things that last, and giving hope of the days when the siege shall be over and we shall be free.

Those same peaks of Qinling described in the 1920s form the backdrop to my life in the 2020s.



2023-09-24 02:47:02重新编辑
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关于我们 加入我们 人力资讯TOP500 网站地图 临时工招聘信息兼职招聘信息

劳务派遣 深圳劳务派遣公司 劳务派遣公司 深圳临时工派遣公司 深圳临时工派遣中介 2
  1. 四川省广安市武胜县武胜白坪飞龙新农村示范区规划展厅数字沙盘三维动画创作项目竞争性磋商成交公告
  2. 达万开一体化发展的谋与动
  3. 全市大数据工作专题会召开
  4. 市交通运输局机关第十党支部赴红色教育基地开展不忘初心牢记使命主题教育
  5. 清明期间广州云系列文化活动受关注
  6. 西外马踏洞新区强势来袭——打造川东北金融中心和川东北第一新区
  7. 全国早期胃筛查项目落户广州市第一人民医院南沙医院
  8. 达州金融业荣获四川省多项表彰
  9. 重污染天气橙色预警和机动车尾号限行已解除
  10. 学习贯彻统战工作会议精神
  11. 新中国成立70年达州水利改革发展回顾
  12. 中共邻水县委十四届第1次常委会会议召开
  13. 邵革军赴市直部门调研学习贯彻党的十九届六中全会精神
  14. 12月4日广州市新冠肺炎疫情情况
  15. 标题和内容已经清空2022-09-09 11:45:32
  16. 达州疾控提醒做好秋季开学防疫
  17. 五一期间达成间动车重联运行达渝间增开一对列车
  18. 2月份达州居民消费价格环比上涨04
  19. 市委召开常委会(扩大)会议
  20. 市白蚁防治所开展2018年中心六区直管房白蚁危害巡查工作
  21. 四方面持续发力农村垃圾清运不及时问题整治初见成效
  22. 全市村级建制调整改革工作推进会召开
  23. 广州市卫生计生委组织开展2017年妇幼健康优质服务示范区市级评估
  24. 市政协举行2020年新年茶话会
  25. 武胜县行政审批局网上预约服务获得群众点赞
  26. 广州市财政局关于公开征求广州市财政局关于印发行政许可管理规定的通知廉洁性意见的公告
  27. 黄埔区聘任20名营商环境观察员(图)
  28. 广州市四治综合督导组到东山街开展现场督导工作
  29. 广州增城警方开展城中村大清查大整治辖区刑事治安警情同比下降384
  30. 市公安局举行庆祝***成立100周年暨七一表彰大会
  31. 四川正威新材料科技城项目一期投产暨二期开工仪式举行
  32. 达州市大型全媒体直播节目阳光问廉第十九期播出
  33. 我市十三五期间全民义务植树近6000万株
  34. 蓝小环到区国土规划局开展土地征收调研工作
  35. 我市中考时间确定
  36. 我市加强黑臭水体整治城区3个黑臭水体重现宜人景色
  37. 包惠主持召开市委常委(扩大)会议
  38. 尧斯丹率队来达调研
  39. 达州海关成功办理首票减免税业务
  40. 徐芝文出席专题会听取关于做大做强重点骨干企业的实施意见(讨论稿)
  41. 广州空港经济区推介会在香港成功举办
  42. 省委第三巡视组巡视广州市花都区从化区工作动员会议召开
  43. 广州市工业和信息化委转发关于上报2018年省级工业和信息化专项资金(支持改善消费品供给)资金计划的通知
  44. 市公安局召开活力公安专题新闻发布会
  45. 武胜县扎实推进农村综合改革激发农业农村发展活力
  46. 达州市市容和环境卫生管理条例本月正式实施
  47. 全市交通运输三年大会战动员大会召开
  48. 我市与浙江正凯集团签署投资合作项目协议
  49. 全省首个助老律师团在我市成立
  50. 丁应虎到宣汉县开展七一走访慰问党员活动
  51. 广州召开2016年特贴专家座谈会
  52. 传播能量美化羊城京溪街道总工会组织职工开展清洁卫生义务劳动
  53. 达州市庆祝首个中国人民警察节风采展示活动举行
  54. 金融城东区将建330米地标
  55. 广州副市长区委书记蔡朝林深入调研横沥镇经济社会发展情况
  56. 达州调查队以考促学推进党纪教育入脑入心
  57. 切实做好生态环境监测监察执法垂直管理制度改革
  58. 赵军明主持召开白云区委常委会会议
  59. 全面加强疫情防控工作薄弱环节坚决打赢疫情防控阻击战
  60. 武胜县中心镇引领乡村振兴培养本土人才是关键
  61. 标题和内容已经清空2022-09-09 11:45:32
  62. 落实三防措施为高考保驾护航
  63. 达州小伙杜天75公里越野滑雪实现四川全国残运会冬季项目金牌零的突破
  64. 2018年6月4日市地税局领导接访公告
  65. 9部门明起轮流值守本报315热线
  66. 我市将选出约20名达州市敢担当善作为好干部
  67. 黄埔质量助力打造穗港智造新引擎(图)
  68. 我市民营小微企业金融服务能力显著提升
  69. 12月4日广州成交荔湾区1宗地块
  70. 10月23日起达州可申领电子驾驶证了
  71. 我市科学应对强降雨天气过程
  72. 严卫东主持召开市政府第87次常务会议
  73. 国家林草局督导组到宣汉县督导工作
  74. 全市煤矿安全生产工作会议召开
  75. 我区举办2018年124国家宪法日宣传活动
  76. 我市召开应对气候变化工作座谈会
  77. 达州文明需要讲规则守规矩
  78. 我市法院3案例入选中国法院2020年度案例
  79. 我市印发达州市强化四城同创工作任务执行落实管理办法
  80. 快速通道改(扩)建东段即将开铺沥青混凝土
  81. 副市长市公安局长王景弘看望慰问抗疫一线工作人员
  82. 达州进出口货物实现家门口通关出境
  83. 春节期间达城这些地方这些时间可以放烟花
  84. 畜牧科技产业园核心基因库奠基仪式举行
  85. 全市安全生产和应急救援工作电视电话会议召开
  86. 市政务服务中心综合大楼通过竣工验收
  87. 我市全国人大代表积极履职建言
  88. 郭亨孝主持召开市政府第55次常务会议
  89. 区安全监管局组织召开天河区安全生产大检查动员部署会议
  90. 市公安局举办建党95周年党课
  91. 市司法局袁英宽副局长出席潭岗戒毒矫治项目总结会暨市尚善中心回归教育社工站挂牌仪式
  92. 王光生深入通川区暗访督导森林防灭火工作
  93. 邵革军到宣汉调研
  94. 确保春运和春节平安有序
  95. 武胜从谈话提醒入手强化驻村干部日常监督
  96. 达州集中签约智能装备项目24个
  97. 我市集中签约七个重点服务业项目
  98. 邻水县不动产登记中心2022年预算公开
  99. 周亚伟专题调研城市更新工作
  100. 我市专项整治滥用及非法添加食品添加剂