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Admin - admin 于2022年04月28日发表  

Baoan Coach Station 宝安汽车站

Located at 171 Baomin 1 Road, Baoan District, Shenzhen, it is the largest long-distance coach station in Baoan District.

Shenzhen Longhua Coach Station 深圳市龙华汽车站 

Affiliated to Shenzhen Andao Enterprise Group Corporation, Shenzhen Longhua Coach Station Co., Ltd. was established in June, 2002 and was put into operation in September, 2002. It is located at the north of Longguan Road and the east of Qingquan Road, Longhua Town, Shenzhen. The station is adjacent to expressways, providing easy access. It is the largest long-distance coach station in Longhua District. It runs routes departing for 21 provinces including Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Hebei, Sichuan, Henan, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Fujian, Zhejiang, Guizhou, Ningxia, Hainan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Shanxi, Shandong, and Gansu.

Guanlan Long-distance Coach Station 深圳市观澜长途客运站

Established on February 20, 2009, Shenzhen Guanlan Long-distance Coach Station Co., Ltd. is well-equipped with supporting facilities, including a waiting hall for more than 5,000 people with dedicated waiting areas for the elderly, mothers and babies and a parking lot with eight parking spaces for long-distance and short-distance vehicles.

Kuichong Coach Station 葵涌汽车站

Kuichong Coach Station is located at 25 Kuiping Road North, covering an area of 800 square meters. An average of more than 10 runs departing from the station, serving more than 100 passenger trips on a daily basis. It runs inter-provincial routes departing for Fujian, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Sichuan, Shaanxi and other provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and intra-provincial routes mainly departing for Guangzhou (provincial coach station), Jiexi, and Jieyang.

Dapeng Coach Station 大鹏汽车站

Shenzhen Yunfa Group Co., Ltd. Dapeng Bus Station is a level-three station located at 1 Zhongshan Road, Dapeng Subdistrict, Dapeng New District, Shenzhen. It is accessible by bus lines M362, M279, E11, and 818.

Gongming Coach Station 公明汽车站

Established on August 1, 1998, Shenzhen Gongming Coach Station Co., Ltd. is well-equipped with supporting facilities, including a waiting hall for more than 400 people with 50 seats dedicated to the elderly, mothers and babies, a parking lot with 66 parking spaces for long-distance and short-distance vehicles, and 12 manned ticket counters.

Buji Coach Station 布吉汽车客运站

Shenzhen Buji Coach Station in Longgang District is affiliated to Kangdaer Coach Terminal Co., Ltd. and is located at Bulong Highway in Longgang District. It is the largest long-distance coach station well-equipped with facilities in Buji.

It provides six online ticket booking windows and 15 departure blocks. It runs more than 60 routes. More than 120 shifts depart from the station for counties and cities in Guangdong, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Guangxi, Hainan, and other provinces and cities, and more than 300 coaches arrive at the station on a daily basis, serving an average of 200,000 passengers annually. It mainly runs inter-provincial routes.

Pingdi Long-distance Coach Station 坪地长途汽车站

Situated at the intersection of Shenzhen and Huizhou and the center of the previous Pingdi Town, Shenhui Road (G205), Pingdi Long-distance Coach Station is a main gateway between eastern Guangdong, Jiangxi, or Fujian and Shenzhen. It is the only long-distance coach station in the jurisdiction of Pingdi Subdistrict, Longgang District, Shenzhen. It is located on the 20 Fuping Road, Pingdi Subdistrict, Longgang District. It mainly runs intra-provincial routes covering Guangzhou, Guangzhou South Station, Gaozhou, and Xinyi, and inter-provincial routes covering Guangxi, Jiangxi, Hunan, and Chongqing.

Pinghu Coach Station 平湖汽车站

Pinghu Coach Station in Longgang District is a level-three bus station rated by the Department of Transportation of Guangdong Province.

It runs routes covering Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Henan, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Hainan. 156 shifts depart from the station, serving an average of 1,000 passengers and up to 4, 000 passenger trips on a daily basis.

Longgang Long-distance Coach Station 龙岗长途汽车客运站

Shenzhen Longgang Long-distance Bus Station is located at 858 Shenhui Road (Longgang Section), Longgang Subdistrict, Longgang District, Shenzhen.

Sixteen inter-provincial bus routes covering regions of Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Hubei, Fujian, Zhejiang, Hainan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan, Jiangsu, Henan, Hebei, Shaanxi, and Gansu are available.

Longdong Coach Station 龙东汽车站

Established in 1996, Longdong Coach Station is a non-incorporated enterprise affiliated to Shenzhen Huacheng Transportation Service Co., Ltd. It mainly runs routes departing for regions of Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Henan, and Chongqing. An average of more than 90 shifts depart from the station, serving 2,000 passenger trips on a daily basis.

Henggang Coach Station 横岗车站

Henggang Long-distance Coach Station provides easy access to Shenyang-Hainan (Jihe) Expressway, Shuijing-Guanjing Expressway, Shenzhen-Shantou Expressway, and Huicheng District-Yantian District Expressway. The station serves Henggang Central Area and Central Longgang District.

Danzhutou Coach Station 丹竹头汽车站

Danzhutou Coach Station runs intra-provincial express lines departing for Guangzhou (provincial bus station), Dongguan, Chaoyang, Xiashan, Shantou, Puning, Raoping, Shanwei, and Lufeng, regular lines departing for Wengyuan, Gaozhou, etc., and inter-provincial lines departing for Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Guangxi, Anhui, Henan , Guizhou, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Chongqing, etc.

Bantian Freight Station 坂田客货运输站

Established in 1996, Bantian Freight Station is adjacent to Longhua District, Meilin Customs, and Shenzhen East Railway Station, and is located at South of 1/F, Building J, 163 Xuegang Boulevard, Matishan, Huawei Base, Bantian Subdistrict, Longgang District, providing easy access. It covers an area of 1035 square meters. With 30 routes, an average of more than 95 shifts depart from the station, serving an average of 350 passengers on a daily basis. The station mainly provides express line passenger services and runs routes departing for Pearl River Delta in Guangdong, Guangzhou, Panyu, Zhongshan, Shunde, Foshan, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Sichuan, and Henan.


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  1. 遂宁高新区川渝农产品冷链物流配送中心(一期)及遂宁高新区城市智能停车场(一期)项目桩基检测工作检测单位竞争性谈判公告
  2. 物流港北部片区棚户区改造项目(一期)物流港凉水井棚户区改造工程(四期)项目防雷检测工作检测单位随机抽取公告
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  7. 市商务局到大英县调研商务扶贫等工作
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  13. 小长假快来大英打卡大英特产篇
  14. 大英县水土保持委员会办公室关于2018年国家水土保持重点工程资金分配结果的公告
  15. 遂宁市民康医院将开通免费心理援助热线
  16. 遂宁高新区首次亮相第三届西博会进出口商品展暨国际投资大会吸引众多高科技企业关注签约
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  19. 大英一老人遭遇电话诈骗民警和社区工作人员及时阻拦
  20. 大英县隆盛镇人民政府关于2018年今冬明春火灾防控工作小结
  21. 卓筒井镇携手清淤共创整洁社区
  22. 遂宁新闻网遂宁市科技创新攻坚大会召开
  23. 解读传染病爆发期间公民义务法律法规司法解释摘编
  24. 万林乡民政办多渠道为困难群众送温暖
  25. 遂宁经开区市场监管局持续推进活禽交易与宰杀专项整治行动
  26. 大英县自然资源和规划局关于大英县蓬莱镇兴隆村5社崩塌排危除险方案编制项目及大英县回马镇窑垭村黑碑碑滑坡治理工程方案(清淤加固)的中标公告
  27. 省发改委调研遂宁市投资和重点项目工作
  28. 2019年秋季城区小学新生招生公告
  29. 大英县通仙乡2019年脱贫村卫生室建设项目竞争性谈判邀请公告
  30. 不负光阴她们明媚了整个春天
  31. 大英县土壤环境重点监管单位(四川蜀泰化工科技有限公司)土壤环境监测报告
  32. 李和平督导遂宁经开区北固镇贫困户退出验收工作
  33. 中央生态环保督察组向四川移交第十四批信访件214件
  34. 高招实招遂宁高新区招招高效筑牢疫情防控防线
  35. 遂宁高新区开展健康科普知识巡讲
  36. 遂宁高新区党政干部到蓬溪县开展革命传统教育
  37. 欧阳泽华莅临物流港调研说了啥
  38. 冲刺全年目标物流港项目建设加速前进
  39. 大英县民政局解民忧纾民困暖民心护航民生保障
  40. 大英祥凤寨水库枢纽工程成功截流
  41. 大英县人力资源和社会保障局关于2020年上半年大英县部分事业单位公开考试招聘工作人员的公告
  42. 翟占一莅遂调研宣讲党的十九大精神时强调结合实际抓落实实干苦干促发展
  43. 东岳乡组织观看越轨之害做到警钟长鸣
  44. 助力乡村振兴遂宁市首个跨区域乡村党建联盟成立
  45. 四川经济日报头条关注遂宁高新区追高逐新风帆劲
  46. 任发文调研指导盐井街道安全防汛环保工作
  47. 船山区举行企业家联谊会物流港集中签约三大项目
  48. 经开区三三联动推进名录基础规范化建设工作
  49. 今年跨境电商将建境外直采中心
  50. 内江培育专精特新小巨人加速快跑
  51. 象山镇开展防汛应急演练确保人民安全度汛
  52. 投资35亿美元西部最大生活用纸基地开工
  53. 四川新闻统筹解难题安全保复工
  54. 用最严格制度保护生态环境17月四川查处环境违法案件2111件
  55. 郑莉在市委应对疫情工作领导小组会议上强调始终绷紧疫情防控工作这根弦抓实抓好常态化疫情防控
  56. 遂宁向四川省营商环境标杆城市挺进
  57. 遂宁市船山区人民政府关于遂宁市2021年第37批次建设用地征地补偿安置方案的公告
  58. 心系群众安危高新区及时转移受地灾威胁群众
  59. 遂宁船山区全员上阵抓项目确保开门红
  60. 洋溪镇积极推进扶贫攻坚工作
  61. 县供销社调研落实村级供销社点位
  62. 曹碑镇召开红五月三抢工作会
  63. 县住建局未雨绸缪防大汛及时处置保平安
  64. 遂宁经开区领导干部党史学习教育专题读书班开班
  65. 白争春调研物流港重点项目工作
  66. 付志中同志到蓬莱镇开展软弱涣散基层党组织调研摸底工作
  67. 遂宁市抗击新冠肺炎疫情省级表彰推荐对象公示
  68. 蓬莱镇开展脱贫攻坚大排查工作会
  69. 大英县农村工作专班持续开展农村地区疫情防控工作
  70. 恩彼特智能产业园本月底3栋厂房进入试生产阶段
  71. 疫情下如何安全过节一个短视频get
  72. 毕胜率队调研谢家河流域河长制工作
  73. 彭清华等省级党员领导干部带头捐款支持新冠肺炎疫情防控工作
  74. 聚焦2022四川省两会图解四川省政协常委会工作报告
  75. 遂宁经开区开展家风书法绘画展览进校园活动
  76. 关于印发河东新区危险化学品安全生产责任清单试行的通知
  77. 大英县召开迎接第二轮中央生态环境保护督察现场准备工作交流会
  78. 成渝地区双城经济圈建设规划纲要遂宁关键词解读②|早圆遂宁人民飞行梦为升腾成渝之星提供强劲动力
  79. 遂宁高新区表彰优秀共产党员优秀党务工作者和先进基层党组织
  80. 标题和内容已经清空2022-09-09 05:24:58
  81. 遂宁高新区召开党政办公会会议
  82. 经开区举行企业家进机关座谈会
  83. 本轮疫情多久能基本得到控制官方回应了→
  84. 大英县生活垃圾填埋场检测报告
  85. 县国税局搭建四平台促进征纳互动
  86. 中央领导同志慰问老同志
  87. 烈日送清凉关怀入心中物流港管委会开展夏季慰问一线作业工人活动
  88. 遂宁经开区召开2022年安委会应急委第二次全体成员会暨生态环境保护委员会第一次会
  89. 任常菊率队督导生态环境问题信访件办理情况
  90. 大英县农民工服务中心到市返乡创业协会开展走访交流活动
  91. 大英县财政局开展2020年度自然灾害救助专项资金督查检查
  92. 标题和内容已经清空2022-09-07 11:43:16
  93. 双溪乡加强市场管理改善集镇环境
  94. 遂宁鲜北京体验中心运营启动仪式在京举行
  95. 四届五次党代会分团讨论大会三个报告一个建议一个实施意见
  96. 文化先行下基层凝心聚力奔小康
  97. 好消息到经开区这些点位打新冠病毒疫苗领礼品
  98. 请注意防范遂宁继续发布暴雨蓝色预警
  99. 大英县金元镇人民政府惠民惠农财政资金公示
  100. 大英县开展安康杯知识竞赛答题暨安全宣传进企业活动