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Admin - admin 于2022年04月18日发表  


  Bao"an is the root of culture of Shenzhen. To implement the national, provincial and municipal cultural undertaking development goals, to develop the cultural undertaking and cultural industry bigger and stronger, and to build the national and international first-class public culture service network, in 2016, Bao"an District Commission and District Government have decided to upgrade and reconstruct the old town Mass Culture House, Library & Xin"an Theater determinedly and courageously. Xin"an Theater will be reconstructed into Bao"an Concert Hall, and the construction of Bao"an Museum, Gallery & Art Gallery will be promoted simultaneously. Bao"an will thus fill in the blank of no concert hall and museum, and build the new cultural highland showing the folk art style and the cutting-edge art.


  Bao’an 1990 (Library, Cultural Center, Concert Hall) Upgrading and Reconstruction Project is located in Xin’an Sub-district, Bao’an District. Xin’an Sub-district is an old urban area in Bao’an District. The “Bao’an 1990” buildings are important cultural buildings which were all completed and put into service in the 1990s. The old urban district cultural venues accompanying the people in Bao’an District for more than 20 years play an important role in the course of promoting the integration and urbanization of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and form a mature cultural gathering place over the years. This is a precious heritage loved by many people. The high-standard upgrading and reconstruction of the “Bao’an 1990” not only guarantees the functional integrity for concentrated cultural facilities in the old urban district, but also has more service characteristics and pertinence.


  According to the urban development goal for Bao’an District to achieve "coastal Bao’an, industrial city and vigor district", the city card of Bao’an has to have the support of culture. Culture is the soul of a city, and whether there is sufficient and quality cultural facilities have a decisive impact on the future of a city. Cultural thickness and temperature will be the most lasting and moving charm of coastal Bao’an. In order to create the urban cultural public spaces, enhance the overall image of Bao’an, make the old city full of new vitality, to upgrade and reconstruct “Bao’an 1990" with high standard, Bao’an District Government organizes the international competition of Architectural Scheme Design for Bao’an 1990 (Library, Cultural Center, Concert Hall) Upgrading and Reconstruction to invite the experienced architectural practices and design agencies to participate in.


  This competition aims to introduce high level design institutions to develop the high-level architectural schemes for functional integration, quality promotion and the space transformation of the Bao’an 1990 cultural complex through in-depth study of Bao’an 1990(Library, Cultural Center, Concert Hall) Upgrading and Reconstruction project with innovative design concept and development of ideas to create multi-level, diversified public place of cultural life, enhance and improve the the old city’s cultural taste and attraction.


  The design firm or consortium who intent to participate in the competition, please fill in the “Competition Registration Form of Bao’an 1990 (Library, Cultural Center, Concert Hall) Upgrading and Reconstruction" (see Appendix 1), and to submit registration information in accordance with the" Working Rules for International Competition of Building Scheme Design of Bao"an 1990 (Library, Cultural Center, Concert Hall) Upgrading and Reconstruction "(see Appendix 3) before 17:00 Beijing time August 15, 2016 for registration. And complete the deliverables according to the “ Technical Specifications for International Competition of Architectural Scheme Design for Bao"an 1990 (Library, Cultural Center, Concert Hall) Upgrading and Reconstruction Project " (see Appendix 4) , and submit the deliverables before 17:00 Beijing time on October 31, 2016. Relevant registration materials and related contest documents, please visit the following website to download and fill in:


  宝安区政府官方网站(http://www.Bao’an .gov.cn)





  Shenzhen City Planning and Land Resources Committee official website (http://www.szpl.gov.cn)

  Bao’an District Government official website(http://www.Bao’an .gov.cn)

  Shenzhen City Design Promotion Center official website (http://www.szdesigncenter.org)

  ABBS Architectural Forum(http://www.abbs.com.cn)

  China Bidding (http://www.bidchance.com/)

  China Construction Bidding (http://www.jszhaobiao.com/)


  We are Looking forward to the extensive participation and strong support from the relevant design agencies! Design institutions are encouraged to take part in the competition and select "Bao’an Public Culture and Art Center" and "Bao’an 1990" design at the same time, you are also welcome to choose one of the above projects to design. Those who participate in both designs will have to consider comprehensively the relations and complementary in function. In the assessment, the "Bao’an Public Culture and Art Center" and "Bao’an 1990" will be assessed separately, and the results of their assessment will not affect each other.






  Appendix 1: Entry form for International Competition of Architectural Scheme Design for Bao"an 1990 (Library, Cultural Center, Concert Hall) Upgrading and Reconstruction

  Appendix 2: International Bidding for the Architectural Design of Bao’an 1990 (Library, Cultural Center, Concert Hall) Upgrading and Reconstruction Design Consortium Agreement

  Appendix 3: Working Rules for International Competition of Building Scheme Design of Bao"an 1990 (Library, Cultural Center, Concert Hall) Upgrading and Reconstruction Project

  Appendix 4: Technical Specifications for International Competition of Architectural Scheme Design for Bao"an 1990 (Library, Cultural Center, Concert Hall) Upgrading and Reconstruction Project

  Appendix 5: Related Technical Drawings for International Competition of Architectural Scheme Design for Bao"an 1990 (Library, Cultural Center, Concert Hall) Upgrading and Reconstruction Project

  联系人:何庆苗先生 手机:+86 186****0717

  传真:+86 755 27802314 电子邮箱:Baoan 1990@yeah.net

  Contact: MR.HE,QINGMIAO Mobile: +86 186****0717

  Fax: +86 755 27802314 Email:Baoan 1990@yeah.net



  Bao’an District Government, Shenzhen Municipal Government

  June 15, 2016













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  1. 市委常委市委组织部部长刘光远参加全市提高组织工作满意度推进会
  2. 尽职尽责完善细节狠抓落实防控措施
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  4. 在思想认识上入脑入心在工作谋划上紧跟紧贴
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  6. 民生大礼包送百姓
  7. 南充市顺庆区2018年下半年公开招聘中小学教师公告
  8. 蓬安县客车上路先过安检关
  9. 南充再派医疗队出征芦山
  10. 向东主持全市领导干部大会
  11. 吴群刚出席南充市人民对外友好协会第三届理事会
  12. 抓住两化互动发展重点努力开辟经济发展新空间
  13. 市领导胡文龙向东唐文金刘光远何智彬参加慰问市农科院川北医学院和市中心医院的专家学者
  14. 市政协副主席杨兴胥德会康大寿冯庆煜陈宗君王星照彭敏程立洲市政协秘书长何代池参加2010…
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  18. 检察机关良善履职夯实社会治理根基
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  22. 市委副书记市纪委书记胡文龙市人大常委会党组书记副主任李志杰陪同原中纪委副书记刘峰岩指导我市廉…
  23. 嘉陵村级建起警务站智能防控保平安
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  25. 市委副书记市长高先海带领市级相关部门负责人前往嘉陵区文峰镇看望慰问基层干部
  26. 环保公众开放日近距离了解污水处理
  27. 净化医疗环境提升群众健康获得感
  28. 市委副书记市纪委书记胡文龙市委常委副市长向东参加全市防控廉政风险推进惩防体系建设工作会议
  29. 王美如率队赴蓬安宣讲党的十九大精神
  30. 中央环保督察组转交南充前二十六批信访件已办结318件
  31. 全力确保安全生产形势持续稳定好转
  32. 加强沟通联络服务发展大局
  33. 吴群刚主持召开五届市政府第145次常务会
  34. 2387名专家入驻科技扶贫平台
  35. 自觉接受巡察监督积极配合巡察组开展工作
  36. 发挥审计免疫功能服务地方经济发展
  37. 认识到位管控到位落实到位确保全市安全生产形势稳定
  38. 确保地质灾害防治和国土调查工作高质量完成
  39. 围绕中心服务大局不断推动统战工作再上新台阶
  40. 吴群刚出席南充市妇女第五次代表大会
  41. 郑和平参加实施项目推动战略流动现场会
  42. 击鼓奋进筑大城
  43. 市领导春节前慰问困难群众基层干部生活困难党员
  44. 发展有我奋斗忘我追求无我为实现十三五奋斗目标和同步全面小康努力奋斗
  45. 今年我市计划实施重点项目150个
  46. 全面履职尽责抓好五大专项行动
  47. 我市30余家企业参展第四届渝交会
  48. 南充造丝绸类产品电子商务年交易额13亿
  49. 推动全市医疗保障事业高质量发展
  50. 西充县旅游协会成立
  51. 高坪实施千余个水利项目推动农村产业发展
  52. 提高政治站位全面对标要求主动担当担责把各项工作抓紧抓实抓好
  53. 三年行动计划全市20条商业步行街提档升级
  54. 我市全国重点文物保护单位达15处
  55. ​南充印发通知要求严格查验检测做到不漏一人不漏一车
  56. 阆中市2018年公开考核招聘卫生事业单位工作人员公告
  57. 市领导杜光辉胥德会康大寿冯庆煜陈宗君王星照彭敏程立洲参加市政协第四十四次主席会议
  58. 市委书记刘宏建在顺庆区嘉陵区调研
  59. 林建国参加全市大春生产现场会
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  66. 我市34个单位启动创建安全社区
  67. 吴群刚赴营山县宣讲党的十九届四中全会精神
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  69. 刘宏建等市领导在南部县调研
  70. 高起点谋划高水平规划高标准建设推动南充交通运输工作高质量发展
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  72. 李正元参加我市庆祝全国科技工作者日暨科技工作者代表座谈会
  73. 市辖三区4月城考结果出炉
  74. 吴群刚主持市委中心组学习会专题学习民法总则
  75. 我市32个项目参加全省重大招商引资项目集中开工
  76. 营造最优环境推动企地双赢
  77. 单木真走访慰问部分困难党员困难群众
  78. 进一步深化两市之间交流合作共同谱写宜南高质量发展新篇章
  79. 市司法局组织全体女党员干部到苍溪县红军渡开展革命传统红色教育
  80. 加快建设法治政府依法全面履行职能
  81. 潘国华参加全市社会信用体系建设工作推进会议
  82. 市委常委副市长向东对西充县政府与深圳展登贸易有限公司成功签约表示祝贺
  83. 强化演练协作配合全力提升森林防灭火应急处置能力
  84. 持续优化营商环境助推企业做大做强
  85. 我市召开物流业发展规划编制工作专题汇报会市委书记刘宏建主持会议并讲话市委副书记市长高先海市…
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  88. 形成一村一产业扶贫格局南部今年已减贫11万余人
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  90. 以环境大优化推动经济社会大发展
  91. 市领导刘宏建高先海谢华国向东张奇伟蔡勇李树林胡光明深入基层看望慰问困难群众
  92. 200多名武警官兵义务清扫街道
  93. 中共南充市委组织部关于2019年公开考调南充市高端人才服务中心工作人员的公告
  94. 高新产业助南充经济逆势上扬
  95. 中共南充市纪委通报6起影响发展环境的中梗阻问题典型案例
  96. 把报告部署转化为南充方案南充行动南充实践
  97. 强化意识落实责任全力以赴推动司法行政工作再上新台阶
  98. 市政协六届十三次常委会议举行第二次会议
  99. 150余种南充名特产品走俏长春巴蜀映巷
  100. 南充2016年上半年事业单位公招776人公招教师939人