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Admin - admin 于2022年04月23日发表  

From: Shenzhen Daily

Updated: 2019-05-17 11:05

This weekend, check out Overseas Chinese Town Group’s six subvenues of the 15th China International Cultural Industries Fair (ICIF), where there will be lots of fun events for all ages.


With “Un · Framed” as this year’s theme, OCT-LOFT will continue to break boundaries and maintain contemporary art, creative design and avant-garde music as its features, offering various entertaining events.

Newly opened public art exhibition “ON/OFF” invites artists to paint the parking lots in OCT-LOFT, creating a unique visual experience for visitors. On May 17-19, eight gigs by musicians from China, Japan, Germany and Georgia will give rock, electronic and experimental music concerts at the popular B10 Live stage for the sixth Tomorrow Festival. A lecture and two documentary screenings will also be held this weekend to promote avant-garde music.

OCAT Shenzhen’s contemporary ink painting exhibition “Ink at Current” is still open to the public until Sunday. Other painting and photography exhibitions will also be held at various galleries in OCT-LOFT. Visitors can shop in the open-air T-Street Creative Bazaar on May 17-19, where 100 creative gadget designers, collectors and handicraft enthusiasts will set up booths.

WeChat: oct-loft

Venue: OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District (南山区华侨城创意园)

Metro: Line 1 to Qiaocheng East Station (侨城东站), Exit A or Line 2 to Qiaocheng North Station (侨城北站), Exit B

2.Gankeng New Township

Located in Longgang District, Gankeng New Township is a Hakka-style scenic spot developed by the Overseas Chinese Town Group. The town with the recognizable Hakka hat logo will launch the Little Hakka Han Dynasty-Style Clothing Festival on May 19. Every weekend from May 17 to June 30, a snack market will also be held in the small town for visitors to try South China snacks. Visitors who win at games at the V-Valley Park Square can claim a free gift. More intangible cultural heritage events will be held this month and in June at various locations inside the town.

WeChat: OCTgankeng

Venue: Gankeng New Township, Longgang District (龙岗区甘坑新镇)

Metro: Line 5 to Shangshuijing Station (上水径站), Exit E and then take a taxi

3.OCT Harbour

Although OCT Harbour is a modern shopping, dining and entertainment complex, it always focuses on blending traditional Chinese crafts into its activities. From May 17 to 26, an immersive exhibition on paper-cutting will be held at O’Plaza shopping mall. Over this weekend, puppetry and shadow plays will be shown inside the mall. Chic handicrafts will be on sale this weekend and next weekend.

WeChat: oct-harbour

Venue: OCT Harbour, Baishi Road, Nanshan District (南山区白石路欢乐海岸)

Metro: Line 9 to Shenzhen Bay Park Station (深圳湾公园站), Exit E

4.Happy Valley

On May 18-19, an animation comic game, dancing competition, cosplay contest and animation singing show will be held at the Happy Theater inside Happy Valley. Countless animation-themed gadgets, souvenirs and clothing are on display and on sale.

WeChat: szhappyvalley

Venue: Happy Valley, Nanshan District (南山区欢乐谷)

Metro: Line 1 or 2 to Window of the World Station (世界之窗站), Exit A

5.Splendid China · Folk Culture Villages

Tibetan dancers and singers from Qinghai Province will present shows May 17-18 at the Baiyi Square in the Folk Culture Villages. Intangible cultural heritage crafts will be demonstrated at various places inside the theme park.

WeChat: jxzh1989

Venue: Splendid China · Folk Culture Villages, Nanshan District (南山区锦绣中华民俗文化村)

Metro: Line 1 to OCT Station (华侨城站), Exit C or D

6.Window of the World

A carnival will feature American, African, Southeast Asian and Russian dance shows from May 17 to 26.

WeChat: sz6188

Venue: Window of the World, Nanshan District (南山区世界之窗)

Metro: Line 1 or 2 to Window of the World Station (世界之窗站), Exit J


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  2. 我区认定首批中级资格新型职业农民
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  7. 大桥街道村委会换届选举工作在大庄村正式拉开序幕
  8. 在食品安全的路上不断前行
  9. 秉承忠诚干净担当本色践行新时代好干部标准争做开发区干事创业好干部
  10. 区领导调度部署清明节祭扫服务管理工作
  11. 唐王镇——***服务小分队送贴心服务
  12. 区建委联合组织召开秋冬季扬尘治理和安全生产会议
  13. 区档案局——确保案卷冬季安全
  14. 区卫计局职责上墙做到权力职责再明确
  15. 泺口街道召开班子会传达部署近期重点工作
  16. 区总工会到双泉镇企业调研工会工作
  17. 三聚谋发展精准促扶贫
  18. 王勤光走访慰问教师教育工作者图
  19. 唐王镇——大力发展品牌农业
  20. 区卫计局督导社区卫生服务机构创卫工作
  21. 区委副书记区长刘科到荷花路街道调研
  22. 大桥卫生院开展业务大讲堂活动系列报道(七)—开展临床业务与医院文
  23. 区教育局——八大工程力促教育事业优质均衡发展
  24. 区卫计局离退休老干部开展集中学习
  25. 无影山街道创建全国文明城市系列报道(四十四)市委宣传部领导督导无影山
  26. 大桥街道组织召开重点工作推进会
  27. 济乐高速公路济南连接线工程征地拆迁动员大会召开
  28. 区委书记王勤光到平安街道调研北大沙河综合治理工程图
  29. 区交通运输局——优化交通环境服务跨越发展
  30. 区民政局到桑梓店街道核查低保申请户
  31. 区市场监督管理局召开三严三实专题研讨会
  32. 曹殿军到进博会寻商机进博会首日我区企业收获满满
  33. 南村街道召开计生工作专题会议
  34. 不忘初心牢记使命区人大召开不忘初心牢记使命形式政策教
  35. 区环卫管护中心向大桥镇桑梓店镇赠送小型机扫车
  36. 南村街道召开全国两会期间信访维稳工作会
  37. 基层交流长清区文昌街道残联扎实开展残疾人精准服务需求调查工作
  38. 我区安排部署水稻生产全程机械化工作
  39. 区农发局为包挂道路南村中街划交通线
  40. 城市攻坚长清区万德街道持续推进人居环境整治提升工作
  41. 天桥区市场价格快报20150623
  42. 我区集中学习***农村基层组织工作条例
  43. 街道召开基层党建推进暨业务培训会
  44. 周末无休长清区万德街道夏红军同志现场督导环境卫生综合整治工作
  45. 百花公园社区老年科普大学开课
  46. 区政协视察迎全运灯亮工程
  47. 我区举办人口计生业务培训班
  48. 天桥东街街道创城攻坚系列报道(三十三)天成路东辅道整改提升加速推
  49. 全区小型病险水库除险加固工程设计方案座谈会召开
  50. 全国农资打假专项治理行动电视电话会议召开
  51. 区档案局进行国际档案日宣传活动
  52. 区城管局——撤销四处露天垃圾大箱
  53. 大桥镇卫生院对村卫生室慢性病健康管理工作进行督导检查
  54. 王其峰副厅长督导全区交通重点项目建设
  55. 堤口路街道办事处召开2018年度安全生产工作大会
  56. 区扶贫开发工作系列报道(十三)
  57. 堤口路街道第一时间传达全区落实中央环保督察组反馈问题整改工作会议精神
  58. 长清区司法局组织激发新时代担当新作为干部教育培训班图
  59. 区人大常委会对上半年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况进行初审
  60. 区地名普查办组织收看全国地名普查视频会议
  61. 我区率先探路政府大部门体制改革
  62. 鲍山街道——加强稳定和谐社会创建
  63. 退役军人事务局开展书记讲党课活动
  64. 刘科察看城市管理工作
  65. 文昌动态文昌街道开展垃圾分类新时尚献礼建党一百年主题宣传活
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  67. 我区城镇化融合发展
  68. 仲宫镇开展文化市场检查活动
  69. 教师节心系教育情暖教师——张夏街道开展庆祝教师节活动
  70. 区直机关工委举办作风建设年活动党务干部专题培训班
  71. 区城管委召开城市管理工作协调调度会
  72. 马山镇召开乡村旅游与经营模式培训会
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  75. 区农业农村局践行不忘初心牢记使命主题教育精神国庆无休全力以图
  76. 2012年新春团拜会举行
  77. 全区不忘初心牢记使命主题教育读书班开班
  78. 区人大常委会2014年工作评议会议召开
  79. 不忘初心牢记使命平安街道石庄村北汝村先后开展不忘初心牢记
  80. 垃圾分类万德街道探索生活垃圾终端处理流程加速垃圾分类前进脚步
  81. 制锦市街道办事处深化环境综合整治年活动系列(十五)召开环境综合整
  82. 脚底有泥心中有民——走在兜底保障路上的长清民政人杨静图
  83. 理学院农情行动志愿服务队—电商平台篇
  84. 真帮实扶暖人心感恩帮扶送锦旗
  85. 民建天桥总支赴西柏坡开展革命历史传统教育活动
  86. 区委国家安全委员会召开第一次会议
  87. 全市基层党建重点项目观摩交流活动来我区观摩图
  88. 全福街道召开贯彻落实中央环保第三督查组回头看工作动员会
  89. 区住建委——强力推进大排查快整治严执法集中行动
  90. 港沟街道——筑牢安全生产堡垒
  91. 华山食药所———加强农村食品市场管理
  92. 区供电公司——迁移高压线路为济高铁让路
  93. 长清区纪委监委派驻七组到区财政局督导关于国有资产出租出借落实工作
  94. 区司法局组织收看政法干部学习讲座
  95. 区老科协进社区宣传无线电科普知识
  96. 完善机制严格执法主动服务
  97. 凤凰山凤凰阁念佛堂成立
  98. 荣盛时代国际综合体项目奠基
  99. 区市政局开展创城巩固提升年道路专项整治活动报道二十二
  100. 我区解决大班额问题工作受到人民日报关注